回港升大學 <美國>

2013-04-01 7:28 pm

1. 各大學除左睇返學校成績GPA和英文(Toefl/IELT)成績,還需要香港中文成績嗎?(我睇返各間大學好像有要求過 and I don't take DSE)
2. 英文(Toefl/IELT)成績不理想,仍可申請?
3. if 我係美國完成transfer degree,但香港又點衡接? (我又要第一年開始)
3. 若果我還沒有證書證明,但我知道我將來畢業(夏季),仍可申請嗎? (deadline: 通常係2月,我可能會遲)
4. 如果我收到消息可以面試,但我在國外,可以怎辦?

To Gary: 1. Do you mean that I don't need to take TOEFL when I transfer to university in Hong Kong? 2. I don't need to be worried about the result about Chinese? 3. 我又要第一年開始when I transfer to university in Hong Kong?


To Gary, For the general,which university do I need to be worried about the result about Chinese? What kinds of major do I need to think more carefully?


Compare to social worker or engineering. Can you?

回答 (2)

2013-04-01 10:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. No. However, if you have reported that you have studied in secondary school in Hong Kong, you may be asked to provide in-school result.

2. Yes - one of the major reason is in theory, you have to meet local transfer requirement, which is usually completion of at least 2 semesters university-level English. In that case, your English level is beyond TOEFL's standard.

(It is also why when you transfer locally, you are not required to submit TOEFL again.)

3. Yes - it is not the diploma but the transcript.

4. You are on your own - if you want it, you have to come back.

2013-04-03 13:51:13 補充:
1. Mostly no - check with the university before you want to schedule the test.

2. It depends. I can't say yes or no on this one.

3. No - third year (Junior)

2013-04-04 12:43:03 補充:

2. No idea. I don't even know what you want.

2013-04-08 14:08:15 補充:
Very different career.

1. Social Work - it is best if you are a people person.

2. Engineer - it is best if you don't mind boring tasks.
2013-04-01 10:09 pm

非聯招主要分為四大類。由於各種途徑所需的要求各有不同,課程的查詢應直接聯絡有關香港各大院校招生處(Admission office)網頁。

1.適用於就讀於香港各大專院校、社區書院、職業訓練局等開辦的美國副學士(Associate Degree)或英國高級國家文憑(HND)。或已取得該等或同等學歷的人士申請。在非聯招的申請中,此類學生估了大部分。個別院校對於這類的學生也有特別機制,可以直接申請入讀其院校第2年的課程,並為此開設額外的學位。

2.適用於就讀於香港並已/將於此學年持有相等於高中畢業資格的學歷(但不包括香港中學文憑),例如IB文憑,GCSE/GCAL,Hong Kong local International School-Grade 12,香港高級程度會考等。然而如該等人士現正就讀於教統局下的註冊中學而又準備在該學年度應考香港中學文憑,此類人士則不合資格使用非聯招制度,而需使用聯招申請。

3.適用於香港境外就讀學生(International Students)、並已/將於此學年持有相等於高中畢業資格的學歷的人士申請。大部分情況下的申請程序大致與2相同,可直接向該等院校申請。比較常見的一種例外情況是:報名人士為中國內地普通高等學校招生全國統一考試(中國高考)考生,而該香港院校有直接參與收生,依中國高考規則,申請人必需透過自己所屬省份的高考申請入讀。


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