1. 各大學除左睇返學校成績GPA和英文(Toefl/IELT)成績,還需要香港中文成績嗎?(我睇返各間大學好像有要求過 and I don't take DSE)
2. 英文(Toefl/IELT)成績不理想,仍可申請?
3. if 我係美國完成transfer degree,但香港又點衡接? (我又要第一年開始)
3. 若果我還沒有證書證明,但我知道我將來畢業(夏季),仍可申請嗎? (deadline: 通常係2月,我可能會遲)
4. 如果我收到消息可以面試,但我在國外,可以怎辦?
To Gary: 1. Do you mean that I don't need to take TOEFL when I transfer to university in Hong Kong? 2. I don't need to be worried about the result about Chinese? 3. 我又要第一年開始when I transfer to university in Hong Kong?
To Gary, For the general,which university do I need to be worried about the result about Chinese? What kinds of major do I need to think more carefully?
Compare to social worker or engineering. Can you?