Spring-loaded switch

2013-03-31 10:25 pm
My book reads: When the contacts of a switch are separated slowly, the induced e.m.f. may be very large. We can use a spring-loaded switch installed in the circuit. The switch can separate the contacts quickly and decrease the induce e.m.f.

I suggest the book is wrong. I think when the switch is separated quickly the induced e.m.f. is as large as that when the spring-loaded switch is separated slowly because the current drops to zero instantaneously in both cases and the induced e.m.f. is directly proportional to the rate of change of current. So, sparking still occurs but instead with a much shorter time. Am I correct?

回答 (2)

2013-04-11 10:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
首先,我估你是說LC circuit.
個(self-)induced emf 在open (separate) switch時較close switch 大很多.
因為在close switch時, current increase slowly( I= [1-exp(-Rt/L)] E/R ) E= voltage supply-->induced emf 不太大.( induced emf,є = -L dI/dt)
但在open switch時, current suddently be cut off--> є become very large
Therefore, "є" is very large when opening switch.
接著,說說potential difference(pd) btw the switch.
Before the switch is closed, pd btw the switch= voltage supply(E), because resistance(R) btw switch is extremely large and draw all the potential.
While the switch just start opening, pd btw the switch=E+є which is the 1st main point of this problem.
Therefore, "pd btw the switch" is larger when opening switch than that of closing switch.
pd btw the switch 太大會導致1個問題, 就係個開關有火花(spark or electric arc)( electric field= pd/distance) (electric breakdown in air = 3x10^6 V/m)
這個火花當然要distance btw the contacts of switch 來配合.
When the switch is opened slowly, a short distance btw the contacts of switch will remain a longer time than that of opening quickly. (The 2nd main point)
Therefore, when the contacts of the switch is separated quickly, the spark can be avoided.
1. connecting a capacitor in parallel with the switch
2. connecting a a neon lamp in parallel with the inductor(個neon lamp 要大過50V OR 大過100V先開到, 所open switch 先會著燈)
"є" is very large when opening switch.
"pd btw the switch" is larger when opening switch.
The spark can be prevented when opening switch quickly by using Spring-loaded switch.
The book make a mistake in induced emf.
I believe that opening switch quickly can almost prevent electrons move btw the contacts of the switch so the switch arms will not be melted.
sorry about my bad English
additional info
參考: book
2013-03-31 10:52 pm

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