
2013-03-31 9:55 pm

回答 (4)

2013-03-31 11:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
可能比多d時間佢 就可以解決到呱~
2013-04-01 9:22 pm
This is exactly sth i have experienced before. My problem is that sometime i would say things without processing them through my brain so it might have offended my friend, which made her angry. it is also part of my personality to be very straight forward, which is sometime considered as inconsiderate. the whole class has "hated"me for a whole year and i only have one friend. i have also tried to apologize to her but it didn't seem to work at all. however, i didn't know what happen, but she just started talking to me again before summer vacation started and we totally became friends again and we are still very good friends now. if you want to know how i go through the hard times in school, is to be confident and have faith. I concentrated a lot on music when this happened to me, and it was quite effective to me because i love music and i was involved in many music activities in school, like orchestra and choir. Music is something that makes me very confident and happy, concentrating on it can makes me forget all my worries and sadness. lack of confident is the worst in these kind of situations. I understand that it is hard to have confident when everyone doubt you, but the most important thing is that you know you are good. I am very sure about this myself because i have religion to depend on. I am a Christian and i believe God has made me special. it might not be obvious but I have my own special talent that is better than anyone else. and it's very true. To be very honest, you shouldn't pay too much attention on how your classmates see you. they are blinded by the rumors and everyone have the chance to fall into this trap. Prove to them that the rumors are wrong, and show them that they are wrong about you. of course, don't over-do it. it could get worse if you do. for the personality part, i understand it's very hard to change especially when you have been like this for your whole life, but changes aren't always bad! i am still learning to be more considerate!
2013-04-01 6:11 am
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2013-03-31 10:57 pm

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