
2013-03-31 10:13 am
我自己本來有學cello同piano,我自己都好中意,而且都學咗好久,piano有八級,cello都有四五級。我真系好中意Music。但系我父母一直都很反對我玩音樂。我上年考咗piano八級之後啊媽就cut咗唔卑我學,想都唔得(唔系價錢問題)。cello本身我系用二份一琴(都用咗4年),現在size不對,而且我自己是學校的orchestra成員,想換個好D ge 琴,老師中叫我今年9月去考五級,但啊媽啊爸都反對。。。唉!點算啊?曾經try to說服他們但他們都不聽,還叫我退出orchestra。。。唉!!!我可以怎樣?

回答 (2)

2013-03-31 7:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我估你的父母是想你讀好書,唔好浪費時間在音樂上,事實好多父母都是這樣想, 不過因為我唔知你讀書叻唔叻, 如果叻, 你父母當然想你考好啲入大學,但通常唔會比你入音樂系, 但如果唔系幾好, 覺得自己冇能力讀大學就唔同了, 你可以同佢地讀, 如果有一不慎入唔到大學都可以出來教音樂, 收入都OK家, 所以叫佢地繼續比你學, 另外就算你有能力入大學, 咁你都可以同佢地讀, 我唔可以退出學校的orchestra, 因為入大學時都有分加, 冇咗佢冇課外分, 所以一定要繼續同因為個琴唔得, 所以要換個好D, 免得因為琴唔好學校唔比你繼續做成員,因為啲琴音唔靚.

2013-04-01 8:57 pm
I am also a cellist and I also learn piano. I understand how that feels because that's what i have went through. I have devoted a lot of time into orchestra and all kinds of music activities since primary school. My parents didn't say it out loud, but they have shown with their attitude and behavior that they didn't like me spending so much time in music. This has become even more obvious after I was in F.2 and started learning trumpet and joining band. Many parents are worried that joining too many activities would affect their children's academic, and this was my case. However, i proved to them that my academic wasn't affected by having more music related activities in my life. I had very steady grades in all my subjects, with some i even achieve higher marks than they expected. I asked them to come to watch the orchestra performances and competitions, and they saw how happy i was during the performances. Finally after a very long time, they didn't oppose me having so many music activities. Now i am studying in vancouver, canada, the time i spent in music is even more, there are 3 months that i stayed school everyday until 10pm for musical practice, and i am in the musical orchestra. They now understand how much i love music, and how important music is to me, so they don't oppose me doing it anymore. I believe if you show your parents your ability and you passion in music, they will understand you. Of course, in order to make them happy, remember to keep your academic results good; that gives a much greater chance for them to allow you play music. For the cello, i think you can ask the teacher if you can borrow a suitable size cello from him/her first. for the exam part, you can tell your parents that Grade 5 is like a middle station for music, i feel that if i didn't get grade 5 exam, i haven't achieve anything in that instrument. Grade 5 is kinda like a milestone for learning instruments!parents won't want their children to give up halfway through anything.
參考: myself! hope my long passage didn't scared you out>

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