Why does a sad person sleep a lot?

2013-03-30 2:39 pm

回答 (4)

2013-03-30 2:42 pm
It could be stress, depression, anxiety or trying to avoid problems, sometimes anemia but since you said sad it could be depression cause when im depress I either hear music or sleep.
參考: Wife/Mom of 5
2013-03-31 2:20 am
I sleep a lot when I'm sad(which is all the time) because I want to escape from my feelings and my problems and the only way I know how to escape is to sleep so that's what I do.I can't feel the pain that someone caused me when I'm sleeping.Also I do have severe depression so I spend all of my days in my bed all day.
2013-03-30 5:52 pm
depressed. They have nothing else to do
2013-03-30 2:44 pm
because when they are asleep they can dream about anything and they can get away from reality especially if they have a bad life, it's like you're in your own world where you can do anything. also because sleeping is just good :)

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