考 鋼琴六級定七級好?

2013-03-31 2:27 am
我幾年前考左五級,之後冇學,最近學返琴,sonatina彈左一半,彈緊czerny op 299,想下年考試,考六級定七級好呢?之前考左五,考六好似有d多餘

回答 (4)

2013-04-01 8:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
From my own experience, Grade 7 is better if you want to continue on Grade 8. Grade 7 syllabus can prepare you more for Grade 8 exam, especially in the aural part. However, I would suggest you to practice a bit longer before taking the Grade 7 exam since you have put down piano for a few years and just pick it up recently. Grade 7 is not hard to pass, but it's hard to achieve a high mark. I have practiced for around 1.5 years before I take the exam, and I got a pretty decent mark. Moreover, I would suggest you to have more practice in sight reading. I have once put down piano for around 1 year because of heavy school work, and it took me a lot of practice before I finally have my normal sight reading skills back.
參考: myself
2013-04-03 8:46 pm
參考: ME
2013-04-02 7:47 pm
2013-03-31 9:56 am
雖然我是2,4,6,8上(of course考咗樂理)
不過都系看看你自己有冇把握,你自己覺得ok咪上咯。講真,如果你明年考的話,七級是ok ge~

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