中文解釋 ,超級急呀呀呀呀呀..........!

2013-03-31 12:37 am
請問''Shirone in Japan''個''Shirone''係咩意思呀???????請help下我,一日內,快給我!!!!!!??????

回答 (6)

2013-03-31 2:00 am
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''Shirone in Japan''個''Shirone''係白根市。

白根市(Shirone)是位於新潟縣的一個已不存在的市。設立於1959年(昭和34年)6月1日。白根市在2005年3月21日,被編入新潟市。現在分屬新潟市南區和秋葉區. 是旅遊區,著名旅遊點是白根葡萄園(Shirone Grape Garden)。

Shirone (白根市) was a city located in Niigata, Japan. The city was founded on June 1, 1959.
On March 21, 2005 Shirone, along with the towns of Kameda, Kosudo and Yokogoshi, all from Nakakanbara District, the town of Nishikawa, the villages of Ajikata, Iwamuro, Katahigashi, Nakanokuchi and Tsukigata, all from Nishikanbara District, and the cities of Niitsu and Toyosaka, was absorbed by the expanded city of Niigata. The area is now part of Minami-ku ward.

2013-04-01 18:04:20 補充:
雖然現在不叫白根市,但原來屬白根市的地區還是有叫白根的公共建築和旅遊場所,例子有白根葡萄園(Shirone Grape Garden)和白根大通郵便局(Shironeodori Post Office),白根健生病院(Shironekensei Hospital)。
Shirone in Japan就是指現在日本新潟市(Niigata)的這個地區。
2013-04-04 10:39 pm
Shirone 意思是白根.
2013-04-02 2:43 am
2013-04-01 9:21 pm
Shirone in Japan解:白根在日本(白根市)
2013-03-31 1:22 am
Shirone (white root) or Shionomi in Shingu,Honshu ?
2013-03-31 12:51 am
''Shirone'' 的意思是 ''白根''

2013-04-01 20:33:48 補充:
''Shirone'' 是指 ''白根市''

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