
2013-03-30 1:05 pm

例如有d唔係過去發生既都用 past tense 呢d係咩tense

ex. 'If they think that it would dispute their schedules,it time they switched to other airlines.'

我想問叫佢地轉航空公司點樣係用past tense既?呢個係咩tense黎


點解persuade 後面果音係ray既?

好似know, hour, iron,rihanna 咁

回答 (1)

2013-03-30 10:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
These questions pertain to the more complex aspects of the English language, and are by no means dumb questions..

(1) "If they think it would dispute their schedules, it's time they switched to other airlines" is a "type 1 and type 3 mixed conditional sentence, so the second part of the sentence is in simple past tense because the condition could not be fulfilled due to the fact that they didn't think it would dispute their schedules, and therefore didn't switch to other airlines. The following Website is one of many sites explaining the use of conditional sentences:

(2) The following Website has a list of letters that are silent under certain circumstances.
"K" is always silent before "n"; "h" is silent before a vowel for certain words, such as "hour" and "Rihanna". For iron, the "r" is pronounced lightly, so iron is pronounced as eye-ern.

As described in the Website above, normally "u' is silent before a vowel, but for "persuade", the "u" before the "a" is pronounced as "w", so the sound you heard is "wade", not "ray". The following Website talks about the pronunciation of "persuade":

2013-04-01 06:36:07 補充:
'If they think that it would dispute their schedules, it('s) time they switched to other airlines.'
參考: As indicated in the answer.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 13:43:30
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