
2013-03-29 7:36 pm
Q1. 在飛機上可否用手機影相(影客艙)

Q2. 初上到飛機係咪要關電話?(唔關會點)

Q3. 較飛行模式唔關電話ok嗎?

Q4. 我係大韓韓空, 機上d餐多數有咩?

Q5. 經濟位, 一人一份餐??

Q6. 起飛幾耐之後才可上厠所?

Q7. 話吾準超過100ml, 真係會check?


回答 (2)

2013-03-29 9:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Q1 - 可以 , 但起飛及降落時不可以
Q2 - 唔關無人知 , 但起飛及降落時用電話會比人閙
Q3 - 為了大家安全 , 最好關上電話
Q4 - 多數有韓國特式食物
Q5 - 對
Q6 - 直至扣好安全帶信號燈熄滅 (起飛後 10-15 分鐘)
Q7 - 一定 check , 無得走
2013-03-29 9:41 pm
1. In theory, yes, as soon as the phone is in airplane mode.

In practice, even in airplane, it will be up to the crew members' determination.

2. No - usually, the phone is allowed to be on until the cabin door has closed.

Failure to turn off the phone may result in kicking off from the flight.

3. No.

4. Don't expect a lot - the meals are loaded from Hong Kong. Also, the choice of food depends on the time of the flight.

5. Yes - however, if there is any passengers choose not to eat, flight attendants usually have no problem giving that away.

6. 10-15 minutes.

7. No - it is sized up by sight. They will not do anything until it seems too big. Beside, a lot of amenities nowadays are designed to meet air safety requirements.

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