Can every one sign at this e-petition?

2013-03-29 5:08 am
*** Serious question ***

Hi every body,
Good day!
You know,Hong Kong to become extinct very soon by China,
Now, an originator of British citizen(Ethan Turner) wanna save Hong Kong.
Could every one help for sign this e-petition?

inside e-petition:
1) British citizen or UK resident? >>> Yes
2) Country >>> Hong Kong

Thank you for every one kindly help!
Have a nice day!

回答 (2)

2013-03-29 5:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
This is never going to happen for two reasons.

1) China will never relinquish the territory. Unless the UK is willing to sail warships to Hong Kong and threaten to take it by force, China will simply ignore such requests.

2) The UK has enough problems without picking a fight with China. The UK has no power over Hong Kong, it's future or China's decisions. All the petitions in the world will not make a difference.

If you are serious about change, the advocate more independence for Hong Kong, not a return of a colonial government.
2013-03-30 5:23 am
As an extension of the other answer - even if UK threatens to sail warships to Hong Kong, they'll only be seen as the aggressor - the UK formally handed Hong Kong back to China in 1997, how hypocritical would it be for them to wage war to get Hong Kong again, which was originally a part of China before the Opium War anyway?

It's like pointing missiles at America and demand it to return to the British Empire, think that's logical?

Let me be brutally honest - the petition will have NO effect. The British government has far more realistic and important issues at hand - Scottish independence referendum in 2014, triple-dip recession austerity measures, public spending cuts, union strikes, shrinking economy and growth forecast cut in half, think they're going to give a damn about some petition with 3000 odd non-existent "signatures"?

And militarily, what, the British Isles taking on China, the world's 2nd largest superpower and economy, with the largest standing army and unlimited reserves? China's economy's been expanding the whole time Britain's been shrinking, where will the UK even get the money to fund a war in the first place?

If you're serious you wouldn't have posted this question in the first place, we all have to grow up sooner or later.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:23:38
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