English, help!

2013-03-29 4:03 am
1. My auntie bought a new mobile phone, so she gave her Iphone4 to me.

2. 我吾識分幾時要用was given呢類既tense , 幾時要加is,are,was,were!

thanks for HELP!

回答 (2)

2013-03-29 8:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
1 得
2 was given 係被動,was 前面就會係PHONE
is,are +given --> usually 係考試時例如有供CHOICES, 個題目就可以話係" choices are given"/''relative information is given"

if你想用被動又想話係阿AUNTIE俾我GE, 咁你可以話係"the i phone4 was given to me by my auntie"
參考: /
2013-03-29 6:24 pm
1 This sentence may be OK,but some people may not.
2 Is and Are are present tense,but Was and Were are past tense;was given is給了.
參考: The Free Dictionary.Com

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