
2013-03-29 12:00 am
I am very very afraid of being known my age (~40) , my previous experience is very poor, i was hurt and very unhappy! (My colleague and supervisor recognized me as a young guy as i was new to the job, they quite love me and teach me and give me chance, however, they treated me totally different after knowing that i was older than what they expected). Now, as some procedure need mentioning my age, so i expect, all my colleagues now, will know my age, including my supervisor, I really very very afraid, i want to quite the job!!!

I know that not so many people know why i was so afraid, but, in fact, my feeling is very very very very afraid.

Could you help me?

回答 (6)

2013-03-29 12:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
年齡大有咩野所謂呀? 除非你份工係要求年齡唔可以超過40, 我覺得你係心理作用多d, treated me totally different after knowing that i was older than what they expected, 我個人認為唔會, 40又唔係老, 而家唔係叫你選美, 年紀大又唔會影響佢地既工作, 有咩野理由 treated you totally different 呢?

況且比全公司d同事知又唔會因此被開除, 你怕咩野呢, 唔好自己嚇自己啦, 好好努力工作, 多d和同事溝通, 心景開朗d同事都覺得你後生d啦!
2013-03-29 9:13 pm
你的問題是無從解決的, 時間亦不可能倒流, 唯一可做的, 只有從心態的角度出發, 讓自己適應現實.

事實上, 你是足以令人羨慕的了, ~40 歲仍可被誤以為是年輕人, 容貌已算保持得相當理想了, 這是很多人花錢亦辦不到的事, 凡事皆有好與壞兩面, 為何不多點想想好的一面?
2013-03-29 2:23 am
有乜所謂喎. 年紀大. 如果有人笑自己. 你可以話返佢. 你遲早有咁GA一天. 除非你英年早逝.啦. 最後個句係用來對符一些非常口賤的人.

我三十幾都被人笑. 被人笑仲要被人叫阿婆. 係一個廿幾的死靚妹. 佢雖然靚爆鏡. 但係佢口賤冇口德.

人最緊要係學懂修養 品格. 如果樣子年紀長年細. 靚. 心地唔好. 一定失禮死人. 不要介意自己年紀大. ~~ 年紀不是問題. 最緊要做人開心. 生活享受就得.
2013-03-29 1:41 am
age is not really important ,if u are always afraid about your age ,u wont be happy and u are just wasting your time .u still have about 50 years to live ga!!!!u can
choose to be happy to live or unhappy to.u are jut 40 years old!!!how about the people who are 50,60,70....years old!!do u see your mum are always unhappy about her age before??i belive that u didnt lor!!hey be happy give yourself some courage ,choose that u want to be happy or unhappy!!
Hope u know that wt i mean la gayau and be happy
always be happy
i will alwsys stand nextv to u
chat with me by e-mail if u want support or wt
my e-mail:[email protected]

2013-03-28 17:43:14 補充:
sorry.just and always
2013-03-29 12:57 am
年齡大,怕被人知Wage which is counted is paid to a male/female of great ability not age.
2013-03-29 12:09 am
年紀大有乜好怕﹖ 你應該開心才對,如果你被人歧視或恥笑,你要老實同佢地講,「我有今日,我好開心,希望你地都會有今日﹗」

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