Is Ryanair a safe airline?

2013-03-27 5:34 pm
I'm flying to Tenerife with Rynair at the start of April and I'm really worried about how safe it is? I've never been on a no frills flight before (I've only flown with Thompson or Virgin before, I think!) so I don't really know what to expect! Please can someone help me out? I'm not too fussed about the quality of service, I just want to know that it's safe and I'll be ok. I am going from Liverpool if that matters. Thank you!

回答 (11)

2013-03-27 5:54 pm
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Yes they are. They would not be allowed to fly if they were not deemed safe. Some airlines companies from the third world for example, are banned from flying in Europe and not considered safe. Ryanair has never had any accidents either. They may be extremely annoying since they are a low cost company and will charge you like crazy if you mess up with check-in or bring overweight baggage, but safety wise, you can relax. It is also said that Ryanair pilots are quite good at landings, as they usually use short runways which takes more skills :)
2013-03-27 7:01 pm
I'm not a fan but, yes, Ryanair have a good safety record. They have a young fleet of aircraft, an excellent punctuality record and will get you there and back OK. It won't be the most comfortable 4hrs 30mins you've ever spent but if you've flown with Thomson Airways, on their Boeing 737-800, you'll have an idea of what to expect, as the Ryanair fleet is made up entirely with this aircraft. The 737-800, used by both airlines, has 189 seats so the "comfort" rating is similar.

Have no fear, enjoy your holiday.
2013-03-28 7:01 pm
I am a pilot at Brussels Airlines and would clearly like to carafe at ALL airlines operating in the European Union (EU) are regulated to the highest aviation standards. This means EVERY AIRLINE in operating in the European Union MUST comply with the strict rules set out. Every airline from Low - Cost to upper class MUST comply with the standards set out by the CAA in the UK and also Europe. If guidelines not followed the airline could face fines or even have all there fleet grounded until problums resolved
Your safe on Ryanair and of course Brussels Airlines also!
Enjoy your flight!
參考: Airline Pilot for Brussels Airline Group
2013-03-28 12:14 am
They would not be allowed to fly if they weren't a safe airline. Their pilots are just as qualified as everyone else's.

Ryanair actually has a better safety record than most airlines. They have never had a major accident with fatalities (or at least that's what the internet says...)

You shouldn't be worried, though. An airline wouldn't be able to fly if their planes did not meet standards. The only thing you have to worry about is the high luggage fees and the slightly uncomfortable seats.
2013-03-28 7:14 pm
Ryanair is a perfectly safe airline, if it wasn't they would not legally be allowed to fly, all airlines and their aircraft are checked annually to ensure they are still air worthy, and may only fly if so. so seeing as they are still airborne then you are in safe hands.
2013-03-28 6:56 pm
Ryanair is very safe. They have a pretty modern fleet of aircraft and because the CEO is so budget conscious, he wants to have the newest aircraft because they are more fuel efficient. I would have no hesitations getting on a Ryanair flight. I think the seats don't recline so just be aware of that.
2016-12-17 6:02 am
In Tenerife you can certainly do any such thing you feel like any time of the year thanks to its environment, normal environments and tourist infrastructure created for enjoyment for the family which means this place is the perfect place for an excellent holiday and with hotelbye you are certain to get it. In Tenerife are a lot of points waiting for you yourself to discover and one particular is in the south west shore of Tenerife. A location that's a spectacular spot for seeing whales free in the ocean. Up to 26 species are observed just off the coast, including baleen whales, monster whales, dolphins, pilot whales and actually blue whales. In Tenerife you will also see The Teide National Park. At 3,718 metres, Teide volcano is Spain's highest maximum and their two ecosystems make the rise an event packed with contrasts.
2016-12-11 2:48 am
Brussels Airlines Safety Record
2016-03-14 2:33 pm
Of course it's safe! Ryanair have one of the youngest fleet of aircraft in the UK. Most of their aircraft are Boeing 737s that are less than 5 years old. In terms of safety they have to comply with the same maintenance schedules and pilot training procedures as any other airline. Plus a well maintained fleet of planes will be much more fuel efficient which is in their best interests. However they are not a particularly good airline in terms of service etc.!!
2015-08-10 8:02 pm
This Site Might Help You.

Is Ryanair a safe airline?
I'm flying to Tenerife with Rynair at the start of April and I'm really worried about how safe it is? I've never been on a no frills flight before (I've only flown with Thompson or Virgin before, I think!) so I don't really know what to expect! Please can someone help me out?...
參考: ryanair safe airline:

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