S2 Maths

2013-03-28 2:53 am
Linear Equations in Two Unknowns

If the graph of the eqtuation 3x - 4y + 60 = 0 cuts the x-axis and y-axis at points A and B respectively, find the coordinates of A and B.

I will give 15 points if you answer the correct answer.

回答 (3)

2013-03-28 11:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
3x - 4y + 60 = 0

Sub A(x,0)into the equation

3(x) - 4(0) + 60 = 0

3x + 60 = 0

3x = -60

x = -20

Therefore A is (-20,0)

Sub B(0,y)into the equation

3(0) - 4(y) + 60 = 0

-4y + 60 = 0

-4y = -60

4y = 60

y = 15

Therefore B is (0,15)

Hope I can help you !!!!!
參考: me
2013-03-28 4:00 pm
When the line cuts x-asis at point A, then
y = 0
3x - 4(0) + 60 = 0
3x = -60
x = -20

Ans: The coordinates of point A is (-20, 0)

When the line cuts y-asis at point B, then
x = 0
3(0) - 4y + 60 = 0
4y = 60
y = 15

Ans: The coordinates of point B is (0, 15)
2013-03-28 3:46 am

首先看到Linear Equations這個字,就知道3x - 4y + 60 = 0是一條直線 (廢話...)

看一看問題,它問的是coordinates of A and B,而問題提示x - 4y + 60 = 0 cuts the x-axis and y-axis at points A and B respectively

也就是說 A在x-axis上,B在 y-axis上

∴The coordinate of A is (a , 0)
and the coordinate of B is (0 , b)


現在,只要把x = a, y = 0 放進 x - 4y + 60 = 0 就可以找到 A: (a , 0) 是什麼
同樣,把x = 0, y = b 放進 x - 4y + 60 = 0 就可以知道 B: (0 , b) 是什麼

Put x=a, y=0 into x - 4y + 60 = 0 ,

a - 4(0) + 60 = 0

a = -60

∴The coordinate of A is (-60,0)

Put x=0, y=b into the equation,

(0) - 4(b) + 60 = 0

4b = 60

b = 15

∴The coordinate of B is (0,15)

還是不明白的話請留言,我看到會盡力解釋 (盡力吧...)
參考: 我,或請參考閣下的教科書XD

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