
2013-03-27 8:51 pm
Science loses as the U.S. tightens visa rules

Part of the reason for the increase in visa denials is that consular officials are being held personally responsible, and possibly criminally liable, if they grant a visa to someone who later commits a terrorist act. Lrying Lerch of the American Physical Society points out that consular officials may not be distinguish a benign field of study from a related but dangerous one and would think it safer to deny visas to most applicants in certain board categories, such as condensed matter physics or biotechnology.

請問當中" consular officials may not be distinguish a benign field of study from a related but dangerous one "是什麼意思?請不要用GOOGLE TRANSLATE等軟件解答,謝謝

回答 (2)

2013-03-27 11:30 pm
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我估你係唔明白兩個字的關係: benign….dangerous吧因為單查字的解釋bengin是溫和/有利或醫學上良性的,而dangerous則是危險/有危害性的。其實全句意思正是諷刺美國使館的政策反智和愚蠢,由於自己無知和無能為力對付恐怖襲擊便寧願有殺錯冇放過不批准某一類學科的人士入境(例如由於生化學和物理科專家有可能製造炸彈和生化武器,所以一切有這方面學識的人都不批簽證給他們。 我譯:領使錧官員或許未能分辨正常的學科跟一些相關但有危險的學科…時便會考慮對某些大類學科的申請人拒絕批准簽證會視之較為安全,例如:凝聚態物理學和生物科技。
2013-03-27 9:13 pm
參考: me

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