F4 Chem concentration of soln

2013-03-27 7:26 pm
唔明點解個[答案]係咁 可唔可以解俾我聽?

1. 4.00 g of sodium hydroxide is dissolved in 500 cm3 of water to make a solution. What is the concentration of the solution? (RAM: H=1.0, O=16.0, Na=23.0)
A. 8.00 g dm-3
B. 0.200 M
C. slightly higher than 0.200 M
[D]. slightly lower than 0.200 M

2. What is the concentration (in g dm-3) of 0.35 mol dm-3 of potassium sulphate solution? (RAM: O=16.0, S=32.1, K=39.1)
A. 41.7
B. 47.3
C. 55.4
[D]. 61.0

"When 4.00 g of sodium hydroxide is dissolved in 500 cm³ of water, the volume ofsolution formed is slightly greater than 500 cm³." 唔明e句


sry still dun understand why "體積稍大於 500 cm³"?? thx

回答 (1)

2013-03-27 9:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
When 4.00 g of sodium hydroxide is dissolved in 500 cm³ of water, the volume ofsolution formed is slightly greater than 500 cm³.

Let (500 + Δv) cm³ be the volume of the solution formed, where Δv is relativelysmall when compared with 500.

Molar mass of NaOH = 23.0 + 16.0 + 1.0 = 40.0 g mol⁻¹
No. of moles of NaOH = 4.00/40.0 = 0.100 mol
Volume of the solution = (500 + Δv) cm³ = (0.500 + 0.001Δv) dm³
Molarity of the solution = 0.1 / (0.500 + 0.001Δv) < 0.1 / 0.500 = 0.200 M

The molarity < 0.200 M, but the difference is small.
Hence, D is the answer.

Molar mass of K2SO4 = 39.1x2 + 32.1 + 16x4 = 174.3 g mol⁻¹
Mass of 0.35 mol K2SO4 = 174.3 x 0.35 = 61.0 g
Molarity of the solution = 0.35 mol dm⁻³ = 61.0 g dm⁻³

Hence, D is the answer.

2013-03-28 00:38:17 補充:
"When 4.00 g of sodium hydroxide is dissolved in 500 cm³ of water, the volume of the solution formed is slightly greater than 500 cm³."

「當 4.00 g 氫氧化鈉溶於 500 cm³ 水中,所形成溶液的體積稍大於 500 cm³。」

2013-03-29 02:24:51 補充:
水原來體積是 500 cm³,全部由水分子組成。

當水溶解了 4.00 g 的氫氧化鈉時,變成氫氧化鈉溶液,溶液中的物質比原來的水多了一些氫氧離子和鈉離子,這些離子佔有一定體積,故此體積會增加,較原來的 500 cm³ 大。

但 4.00 g 氫氧化鈉與 500 cm³ (500 g) 水比較,前者的量較後者少得多,而且氫氧離子和鈉離子有部分只佔有水分子間的空隙,故此體積的改變很小,只稍大於原來的 500 cm³。

2013-03-29 02:26:12 補充:
水原來體積是 500 cm³,全部由水分子組成。

當水溶解了 4.00 g 的氫氧化鈉時,變成氫氧化鈉溶液,溶液中的物質比原來的水多了一些氫氧離子和鈉離子,這些離子佔有一定體積,故此體積會增加,較原來的 500 cm³ 大。

但 4.00 g 氫氧化鈉與 500 cm³ (500 g) 水比較,前者的量較後者少得多,而且氫氧離子和鈉離子有部分只佔有水分子間的空隙,故此體積的改變很小,只稍大於原來的 500 cm³。
參考: 胡雪, 胡雪, 胡雪

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