inamimate vs animate

2013-03-27 5:25 am
今日睇左件Eng note話到
Both "exciting " and "excited " are adjective , but theyare used to describe different nouns. "Exciting " is used to describe inanimate nouns while "excited " is used to describe animate nouns.
咁其實除左 Excited and excited 之外,仲有邊d係有分inanimate and animate?

回答 (2)

2013-03-28 10:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
我用 interested /interesting 例子作解釋

bored - boring, frightened - frightening, surprised – surprising, touched – touching
shattered - shattering, fascinated – fascinating, thrilled - thrilling ….etc
burning – burnt (past participle of burn), freezing - frozen (past participle of freeze)

INTERESTED (adjective)
If you want to know more about something or someone, you can say you are interested in them.

I am very interested in classical music.
All interested parties are invited to attend the meeting.

Interested 是對什麼 “感興趣的”, 字來自 past participle, 有被動的含義 (passive), 後面常接 in 或 infinitive (不定詞)

INTERESTING (adjective)
You say that someone or something interesting when they have qualities or features which make you want to know more about them.

I have met some interesting people.
It will be interesting to see how she decides to spend the money.

Interesting 是 “有趣的”, 字來自 present participle, 有主動的含義 (active) , 可用作定語 (predicative), 也可用作表語 (attributive)

Interested describes a feeling. Interesting describes something that interests you.

2013-03-28 02:57:42 補充:
You say that someone or something IS interesting when they have qualities.....
參考: Longman English Dictionary
2013-03-27 10:21 pm
interesting vs. interested


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