My boyfriend's best friend is a girl?

2013-03-26 4:09 am
This story has a lot to it so bare with me. I recently met this guy and we eventually hooked up. Everything was going great in our relationship until one day, I look on his instagram and saw pictures of another girl. I calmly asked who she was and he said his best friend. So I was like ok, cool. My best friend is a guy so there's no problem. Oneday my boyfriend and I got on oovoo and I asked him to take a picture with me but everytime I do, he hides his face and says no. So I thought ok, maybe he's insecure or something. Well the next day he put pictures on Instagram of them being on oovoo and I asked him why he could do that with her but not with me? He gave some stupid excuse about him not being used to me or whatever. As time went by, I noticed that him and his "best friend" talked alot more than me and him do(well at least it seems like it). It felt like she was trying to take my spot. They talked, took pictures, had nicknames, etc. but me and him didn't do too much of that. I always tried to but he never cooperated. I would ask her questions about her like "what school does she go to" "What grade is she in" but he answered my question with a question which was "why". He never gave me a truthful answer so it seems like he's trying to hide something. Oneday while I was out of town, he put a post on instagram and if he got 10+ likes, he would have to tell the first initial of his crush's name, his relationship status, and some more things. For his crush's first initial, he put "K"..... MY NAME DOESN"T START WITH A K! But guess what?....His "bestfriends name starts with it. And for relationship status, he put "Its Alright". As far as I thought, we were in a very happy relationship. We never argued and he never complained so I was very confused as to what made it alright. So I asked him about it, and once again he had some sob story.. Well Sunday, we broke up :(. He said he wanted to get his life on track, be closer to God, school, and focus more on his career but he had to let go of some people that were close to him. When he said that I thought "oh so he's gonna let go of his best friend too right?" So I was like ok, if I'm in the way of you doing what's right then break up with me. But NOOOOOO they still talk the same f****ng amount that they talked at first. Nothing has changed. But we went back and forth for like 2 hours because he said he didn't want to hurt my feelings by breaking up with me and I kept telling him its fine. As long as he's happy, I'm happy. So he finally did it and he said we could get back together after everything got back on track and I was like ok, we'll see. So I decided that this was a good time to ask about his best friend again. He told me that he's allways talking to her and giving her more attention because when they talk, They're talking about me and she's giving him relationship advice and that made me mad because he's bringing other people in our relationship. She knows nothing about me and I know nothing about her. I feel that if there's a problem in our relationship, me and him should be able to handle it without help from other people. So he basically told me that she was the one that gave him the idea to break up with me.... The b***h was trying to take my spot from the beginning of the d**n relationship and he listened to that s**t! We still talk I guess but everytime we talk, it's a brief conversation becuase he's always upset but he can never tell me what's wrong. Anyway my question is:

Do yall think they're secretly talking?
Do you think she's trying to take my spot?
What should I do?
If he asks me to go back with him, what should I say?
And any extra advice will help out sooo much. I promise I will read EVERYTHING! Thanks so much you guys!..

回答 (8)

2016-08-07 4:17 pm
Make buddies together with her!!! Might be then she's going to appreciate u ample 2 discontinue enjoying four the man (if she is). And if she flirts in entrance of u dont get all jealous and protecting. If u need 2 embarrass her just laugh and say "wow, flirty arent we?" And a boy i no (lets call him austin) talked about his gf to me four years. He was once always seeking to organize for us 2 meet, for the identical causes. We ended up meeting at soccer practice without his aid, and we have been great pals ever considering that. Austin was simply delighted that we had been acquaintances. And anyway, if he have been cheating, why would he need u 2 meet the girl? Also, he says shes so much like u. This means he definitely likes those identical traits in both u and the other lady, so why would he ever switch ladies? Good good fortune, hope this helps!!!
2013-03-26 4:28 am
I think he probably has what I would call an ''emotional friends with benefits'' relationship with her.
I don't think he's sleeping with her, and I don't think she's trying to take you spot but I'm sure they are talking. she probably helped him though a hard time or they both helped each other, and then either didn't want to ruin a great friendship by trying dating or weren't physically attracted to each other.
either way the guy has feelings for her on some level and clearly is not ready for a committed relationship. so if he wants to get back together say no, trust me the kind of relationship he has with her will never go away.
參考: have a relationship like that with a guy.
2013-03-26 4:25 am
1. Yes I do think they're secretly talking. He acts way too shady for them to be just "best friends". 2. Yes she probably is trying to take your spot. She obviously had no respect for your relationship when she didn't back away from him when she knew he was in a relationship with you. Girls now a days are so envious and jealous when they see another girl happy. That's what you call a sl*t. 3. Ignore him and her and act happy when they're around. Move on to something and somebody better! Tell him to screw himself and not to bother you because you're happier without him, even if you aren't at the moment. You will be. 4. Do not go back out with him! That would be a huge mistake, he's already screwed you over once why would you let him do it again? Don't even talk to him anymore, get with somebody else it'll make him jealous. For your own sake just get over him, you can do better! Good luck girl, I hope you don't take his sorry as* back.
參考: Counselor
2013-03-26 4:24 am
I think he wants the girl. She is prob one of those type of girls that are like " I don't want you nor do I want anyone else to have you." She is prob just stringing him along. She prob enjoys the fact that she has it that way with him.
I had a bf like that once. He wanted the best of both worlds. He would come back to me whenever his"best friend" will push him away a little. I kept taking him back for years. Guess I thought it would be different. It never was.
I think that you should find someone that will treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Don't waste your time and energy on anyone that isn't willing to do the same for you. Trust me it has taking me many years to figure that out. Hope this helps.. Good luck I know it will be hard to do. The sooner you move on the better.
2013-03-26 4:21 am
Am thinking maybe she jealous of you, maybe your boyfriend is confused because he might like the both of you! And if he does ask you out again, try to focus on your relationship, don't focus on the other girl! Be happy that you have him, show him what kinda of girl you are, show him how much you like him. Overall be happy! Don't let any one get in the way of your happiness! Good luck, I hope everything goes well!
2013-03-26 4:19 am
Well I find it weird that he's being so defensive about her when you ask simple questions about her life. They might have one of those they like each other but it's not official yet no one else can have them kinda thing going on.

Honestly it seems like too much trouble. Take some time to think if it's really worth it. Worth the drama. Try to ask him to be more open with you about her and let him know calmly how this makes you feel.

Well I hope this helped. Good luck!
2013-03-26 4:17 am
I don't know I rlly wish I could help u out, hope u find wat ur looking for
2013-03-26 4:16 am
This is messed up don't take him back he's obviously got some issues and she wants him all to herself I mean shes budding into YOUR GUYS relationship! She's probably been trying to make moves on him for years but he just sees her as a best friend but that still doesn't stop her from stopping his relationships. If I were you just push all that bad stuff out of your life

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