CU/HKU medic non-jupas

2013-03-26 1:22 am
1. Just received 3A* (phy chem maths)from GCE AL(2013 Jan). May it be possible to get conditional/direct offer from HKU/CU medic as a F.5 student?

2. I was returned the non-jupas application to HKU MBBS by post from the registration office,being told that MBBS did not accept late admission. How can I get my application form reached the MBBS and be considered? May I just send it with the address 'Faculty of Medicine' directly?(Since I 'll have my HKDSE next year and apply through jupas which doesn't enable us to fill in the GCE AL exam result but only DSE)

3. How many people receiving 4A* or above in GCE AL indeed compete for HKU/CU medic each year? Moreover,will there be any advantage that the 3A* were received in one sitting?

回答 (1)

2013-03-26 11:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1. Just received 3A* (phy chem maths)from GCE AL(2013 Jan). May it be possible to get conditional/direct offer from HKU/CU medic as a F.5 student?

>> depends, 因為apply 得medics non jupas 既, 都係有3個a*, 所以佢唔只係睇你既成績, 佢仲要睇你其他既support document, 如學校既reference letter, 你既personal statement, 有冇work experience, 仲要睇下你有冇考gcse, 如果有的話, 會更好, 仲要睇你既ielts, 如有考BMAT, UKCAT, 更會增加你既機會, 所以唔係話3a* 就一定會有offer, 因為年年有3a* 而又被reject 既人都唔少.

2. I was returned the non-jupas application to HKU MBBS by post from the registration office,being told that MBBS did not accept late admission. How can I get my application form reached the MBBS and be considered?

>> 大學有佢自己既application deadline, 過左, 就唔會再接application, 就算係識人, 都係難, 所以建議多做一d 準備, 下一年entry 入, 會比較好.

May I just send it with the address 'Faculty of Medicine' directly?(Since I 'll have my HKDSE next year and apply through jupas which doesn't enable us to fill in the GCE AL exam result but only DSE)

>> 結果都會係一樣, 因為就算俾faculty 既話, 個application 都係pass on 俾admission dept 既人, 所以個結果都會係一樣被打回頭.

3. How many people receiving 4A* or above in GCE AL indeed compete for HKU/CU medic each year? Moreover,will there be any advantage that the 3A* were received in one sitting?

>> 實際既數目, 佢係唔會公報既, 但只知道係唔少. 我果時apply bba law, 佢有offer 出俾我果時, 有提過少少大概係我係係過千人入面既其20個有offer (detail exactly 係幾多我唔記得了, 因為都幾年前), 所以你可以imagine medics apply 既人會比起呢個數目多好多. 而有冇advantage 係first/one sitting, 個答案係冇的, 因為佢overall 都係睇你個grade 係幾多.

>> 俾個小小既advice 你, apply 大學唔只係睇成績, 其實野都好重要, 因為你要知道所有同你compete 既人, 坐底有3個a*, 你要有d咩先可以係呢堆人入面可以突圍呢?

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp :]

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