Do foreign countries hate American tourists?

2013-03-24 10:13 pm
I have always wanted to travel the world. I have recently heard that foreign countries (mostly European countries) don't like Americans. Is this true? What about Americans that are moving to those countries permanently? Any information would be helpful, even if it does not directly pertain to the question I am asking. Tell me all you can.

回答 (9)

2013-03-25 3:34 am
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I lived in Italy for the last 13 years and traveled throughout Europe most weekends and holidays. I never had any problems anywhere as an American citizen and met a lot of very nice people.

I loved living in Italy and would highly recommend it to anyone as long as you can do so legally. It's a beautiful country with beautiful art, architecture, scenery and music, interesting local festivals, great people and food. Beaches, mountains, lakes, the ocean, historic sites, world class museums and galleries and a lot of varied things to see and do. The best part is the wonderful Italian people. However, moving to another country is not easy.
2013-03-24 10:15 pm
I'm a military brat and have actually traveled around Europe and Asia so I feel I can give you a well balanced answer :)

The answer is yes and no. Some foreigners absolutely HATE tourists, others are very lovely to you. It depends if they've had a negative encounter with an American before. Even if they have, you can change their minds :)! Most people are pretty open minded and they are flattered if you even just TRY and understand their language and their culture.

As long as you remain kind and humble, you won't have a problem :)

But this idea that the world hates Americans- it's completely false. The world hates our government, they do not blame all of the people. Just like not all Americans are bigots who hate all muslims! I hope this has helped. Europe is especially friendly because so many tourists come and give them business, and they've come to know a wide variety of us.

I spent a year in China and it was more difficult! Many of the people I talked with had never spoken to an American before, and there were a lot of negative stereotypes to overcome. While I didn't win over my host father, I absolutely won the hearts of my host mother and sister, and the grandparents :) I surprised them more than once xoxo You are an ambassador for your country! Go and repair damage that has been done or start a beautiful clean slate with someone :)
參考: To hsjai below- I've lived in Sweden. They had no problems with us being there. You're a bigot, go fall off a cliff. And no one I've met in all my years growing up overseas pretended to be Canadian. Please don't listen to people who have obviously never left their own borders.
2013-03-24 10:22 pm
Many countries dislike Americans, many people around the world find Americans rude, ignorant, and sorely lacking any culture, American's are known for sewing Canadian Flags on their clothes/baggage in hopes of passing as a Canadian to avoid the problems that come with being American in a foreign country.( most everyone loves Canadians, not so much Americans )

That said, not every country hates American's , except maybe the middle east.and North Korea , Vietnam probably too, you're pretty safe in any country you haven't bombed or invaded or declared war on , even the Canadian's forgave the USA for their failed attempt to invade them back in 1812 lol
2013-03-24 10:27 pm
Yeah in Sweden Americans are not welcome.
2013-03-26 3:32 am
I believe you get the respect you give others. I have met mostly super nice people from US when traveling. I am Scandinavian currently living in Texas, so now I am the visitor that learn the culture of the host country (I have been here for 10 years now).

What Nobody likes is tourists coming to their country, looking down on the people there, not caring enough to try to understand the culture of the country they are visiting. If you are the kind of tourist that make sure that you know a few phrases on the local language, not complain about the food or the service in restaurants loudly and don't lecture people about how your country is the best and so will be fine.
2013-03-25 7:38 pm
I live in central Europe, and the answer is no, there are many American tourists here, many Americans also live or study here. only the arrogant Americans. We also don't want your military bases here, Ron Paul is right.
2013-03-27 5:44 pm
It depends on how you behave. Do you speak the local language, for example? Do you actually know what country you're in? Do you know something about its history, culture and constitution? People who are well prepared, speak at least two languages and are keen to learn about the country where they are staying will be welcome.
2016-08-06 9:07 pm
We do not hate american tourists! (just your president's overseas insurance policies!) I think that where ever you travel you must appreciate the distinct cultures and traditions and don't anticipate the whole lot to be like at residence, which I think a number of american citizens have a hard time with. But when you've got a smile on, act well mannered and be patient with people they're going to do the same (well there are additionally some obnoxious french folks but no longer more that in the USA!) Which part of Paris were you in any way?, it couldn't were a fairly exceptional field if it used to be maily muslims. However no you aren't hated!
2014-04-07 4:04 pm
Yes, an American in China are not welcome them too. We love Thais, Koreans, Hong Kong and Macau. Ooh yeah also we don't want have Filipinos too.

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