What makes you REALLY uncomfortable?

2013-03-24 10:11 pm
Sitting on a couch that feels like skin. Especially when you're cold, or hot.

When you're sitting in a small room, like a dr.s office and your stomach growls.

When you're the only person in a huge bathroom, so you pee, then someone walks in
And the sound echoes more than you thought it would.

When you share eye contact with someone who
Seen you do something embarrassing.

回答 (14)

2013-03-25 3:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hahahah absolutely nothing. I make people feel awkward with my randomness and weirdness though :P

#LivingLaVidaLoca xD
2013-03-24 11:28 pm
well i hate when someone stares at me when i'm doing something that i'm already ashamed of. like if i was doing an ocd ritual, or if i was just acting bizarrely, as i tend to do.having long drawn out conversations with myself or like when i go up and down the stairs of a multi-story building for exercise. and people see me do it and look at me like i'm crazy. rrr. makes me uncomfortable but makes me angry too. i'm trying to exercise here, helllllo :P
參考: scorpio, virgo rising
2013-03-25 4:52 am
holding in farts
feeling alone when you're among other people
being stared at
having to poop in public restrooms when other people are present.
when someone talks really close to your face, like back up fool
public speaking
group projects
being the 3rd wheel/witnessing way too much PDA
accidentally saying something offensive in front of someone you don't know that well
like something that unintentionally relates to the other person
..or when you're the recipient of the aforementioned action
參考: Cancer
2013-03-25 4:42 am
speaking in large groups.
talking to strangers
when people ask my opinion on serious subjects.
people staring at me for more than 3 seconds.
2013-03-25 12:32 am
Awkward silences. I feel like it's my responsibility to speak.

When people get too comfortable with me too fast.

Emotions, usually lol. (Other people expressing theirs)

People watching me eat.

People who are awkward/insecure. It makes me feel uncomfortable for them.

Talking about personal things.

Being asked personal questions. I'll tell you what I want you to know when I want you to know it. Don't pry or pressure me.

The thought of taking a bath.. Just lying in the bathtub.. It disgusts me. I don't know why lol.

Kristen Stewart.

And many many more...
參考: Taurus.
2013-03-25 12:17 am
Speaking in a classroom or group of people. I love public speaking, but raising my hand to make a comment or answer has always made me uncomfortable. Weird, I know d:
Eating in front of people, and trying to be graceful while talking. Especially when spit accidently flies out of my mouth. Embarassing!
Awkward moments in movies always make me want to fast forward.
Smiling, and my lips get stuck above my braces when I try to return to "normal position". I end up keeping this big stupid cheesy smile on my face until I can turn away to flick my lip off my braces.
When I'm trying not to laugh during someone's sermon or during class, and I end up with a tomato red face.
Haha, I get embarassed by a lot of things! I could type on and on and on. I'm embarassed by being embarassed, and that is always awkward! (:
參考: My life..
2013-03-24 10:47 pm
When you try to make your fart come out quietly but it comes out LIKE A TRUMPET!!!! Oh man does that suck. One time by a corner store I think it was, I was with a bunch of my mates and we were talking to some girls, and then BOOM I let one out, and the girls kinda just walked off after that.

Sitting down on a bus very sweaty, and everyone's staring at you because you stink.

Coming out a public bath and a guy staring at your wang. So weird, thats why I wait to go home.

Bending over for something in a crowd and by accident farting on the person behind you. AND IT'S LOUD TOO D:

Trying to read a book on a crowded bus and you can't even turn the page. I once had this old lady kind of leaning on my shoulder, and her wig stunk like skunk. :(

Trying to eat chicken wings in front of a girl!!! SO HARD TRYING TO NOT TO BE DISGUSTING!!! :(

Doesn't make me REALLY uncomfortable, but I'm quite aware of myself at those moments.
2013-03-24 10:45 pm
Omg yes, stomach and eye contact with someone for me too.
ESPECIALLY.. when you're doing a damn test and everyone's quiet.. and your stomach happens to growl.. and you can't do anything about it!

Can't think any of my own right now.
2013-03-25 5:04 pm
Public speaking/being the center of attention
People staring at me for no reason
When a random person stands really close to me or gets too touchy
Stumbling over my words during a crucial conversation
Being asked personal questions

and the list goes on...
參考: scorpio
2013-03-25 1:20 am
Large and noisy crowds, especially when strangers are too close to me, I feel like I can't breathe when I'm in those situations, but I learn to adapt and tolerate it sometimes.

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