is it appropraite for my 9 year old brother to watch the Titanic?

2013-03-24 9:19 pm
My little brother has an obsession with the Titanic. He wants to watch the movie and I've seen it 100 billion times. I know there's nudity and sex. My parents are letting him watch it and Im thinking that he'll maybe make out with a girl thinking its ok (that's the way he is unfortunately) Is it appropriate??

回答 (7)

2013-03-24 9:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It's hard not to note the irony, here - the miserable, painful deaths of 1500 people? Appropriate. Kate Winslet's breasts, and a simulated post-coital moment? SO INAPPROPRIATE!

Sorry, not knocking you - I just can't get over the amount of violence children are routinely subjected to in entertainment, and then, parents get bent out of shape about the f-word and the anatomy of every second person on the planet. It's silly.

It *is* OK to kiss girls. It doesn't necessarily lead to sex in the back of old-timey cars. :) If he is interested in the subject, and is well aware of the truly appalling human casualties . . . to my mind it's fine.
2013-04-01 5:49 pm
yep my niece was going on five when she watch it was a friday night and her granny let her stay up to watch it cuz i wanted her too and she loved it understood what happen an all that then she even prayed for the people that really died she said she loved them and that shes hope the pain went away when god took them to a better place <3 i love her! :)
2013-03-25 4:23 am
He's old enough tell him movies aren't real but based on TRUE events he's only 2 years away from sex education
參考: 13 yearold
2013-03-25 4:23 am
Well, when I went to see it, there were some kids there, but the parents told them to cover their eyes during that scene. I think that's a good idea.
2013-03-25 4:22 am
2013-03-25 4:21 am
I watched the titanic when I was in the 3rd-4th grade, so it's perfectly fine.
It is not straight out nudity. They just show some parts of skin, not full on out intense skin showing.
2013-03-25 4:25 am
I watched it when I was 7 and I had a HUGE obsession with Titanic! However when I was seven I repeated anything anybody said so when the man in the crows nest said "Pick up you bastards!" I repeated it to everyone so i got told that it was a 'Bad word'. He can watch it.
參考: my great brain

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