This is what happens when you just start typing. Opinions/comments/advice?

2013-03-24 5:02 pm
Okay, this is how it really happened…

First, I created the universe… which
was not easy, by the way,
because I literally had NOTHING to work with.
Then, I had to start all over,
because, well, let’s just say things
didn’t go so well the first time.
Look, mistakes were made, okay?
Sh*t was flying everywhere…
I received thousands of angry letters.
Don’t look shocked!
I shouldn’t have even mentioned it, probably.
Okay, so I created the universe, again,
(it was much easier the 2nd time because
I had all that junk left over from the first screw-up),
and things were going pretty well---
I won’t say “according to plan” because
there’s never really a plan with these things…
I mean, sure, you have HOPES…
But I digress… Okay, things are going smoothly.
I create the Earth, yada yada yada…
Time passes, yada yada yada…
Anyway, long story short…
I was there…watching the first fish struggle to crawl on land.
I hovered five feet above the muck and encouraged him out of the shallow water with little kissing noises.
Look, I’m not bragging. It was PURE coincidence. I was just out for a stroll. I had NO IDEA it was going to be such an important step in the evolutionary process.
Hell, I even toyed with the idea of eating the little fellow, but it was nasty-looking, and I had just had a few hot dogs about an hour earlier.

Look, you’re obviously wondering why I’m here…
I mean, you don’t know me from Adam, and well, that’s not cool, cause Adam was kind of a jerk, if you want the truth. And I’m not talking about that whole “apple” thing---that was blown wa-a-ay out of proportion… No, I mean Adam was just a real schmuck from start to finish. The guy had a chip on his shoulder---what can I say? Even Eve hated his guts. He was a moody son-of-a-b*tch.
I politely offered him the chance to give names to the animals... and do you know what he said? He told me to do it myself! So I DID! And then that bastard didn’t like the names I came up with, so he changed them, and rearranged them, and well, things got so confusing... I tell you, I almost scrubbed the whole mission right there…

Okay, where was I?
Oh, right!
You were wondering what I’m doing here…
Oh yeah.
Ummm, I just wanted to warn everyone
about the giant black hole
in the center of the universe.
Ahhh, yeah. It seems it’s gotten a little out of control.
Not that it was ever really IN control…
I mean, you can’t control a frikken black hole, ya know?
So anyway, long story short…
Black hole—
Out of control—
Yada yada yada,
You’ve got three weeks to live.
Have a nice day.

In your prayers,

回答 (12)

2013-03-24 6:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Whoa! Time to stock up on as much Hagen-Daz as my freezer will hold....
參考: So many flavors,so little time...
2013-03-24 6:16 pm
Three weeks! That's a long time to contemplate death and not just my death but all death in general and then if I'm going into a black hole, what should I wear? Will it be cold? I did just buy the cutest pair of boots you ever saw but they're black so they won't do and that dress, just above my knees, it's hard telling who will be under me- lord so much to consider...
2013-03-24 5:45 pm
So, black holes and God have nothing in common? Then why are they calling it the God particle? (Adam told me to ask you)
2013-03-24 7:47 pm
Sorry, I typed a really good answer, but the black hole sucked it up
2013-03-25 6:48 am
I was hoping for something a bit more cinematic.
like an asteroid the size of Texas suddenly appearing
from behind the Sun on a collision course with us.
Congressmen resorting to ridiculous disguises to exit DC.
Look for janitors and cleaning ladies driving Luxury Motorcars,
(Wait, they already do that already),
2013-03-24 10:08 pm
I was thinking along the lines of geminisinger kind of =
ice cream every day and if it`d make me heavier in the casket
bur the no-one`d be there to carry that /me anyways.
I like creme de menthe..I will hit the bank for the dosh for
a fleet of ice cream vans tomorrow yada yada....geminisinger & I cannot be both wrong
Thank You

[did you know Nostradamus and the Mayans ...Ooo..You Are God!
(sorry, I forget ....first time I read you direct..all those biblical yadas...
Thank You for everything anyway).

BQ..erm..where`ll you be when it happens? ...Can I bring you some ice cream there?

Comment: Correct..this IS what happens....lumme.......does that mean........honestly?.....Therefore...and there`s no-one to stop it..yada...0 why do i like poetry
by people with (oops I mean Gods with)..unusual names predictiing..Mmm ice-cream! tasty
2016-03-14 1:44 pm
OMG this is so funny! What names did you first thought?
2013-03-26 3:37 am
hahahaha Thank you God. Thank you for the black hole.
2013-03-25 10:56 am
Why does everything in the universe have to do with holes, dick'sand jerks....?
Just asking, you know, while you're here
2013-03-25 7:40 am
You had me at the little kissing noises.
By any chance are you part Latin too?

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