League of Legends normal queue question?

2013-03-23 4:46 pm
If I was to play with a friend who just started playing in Normal Queue, would our opponent's levels be closer to my level, or would it be his?

Like, I'm level 30, and he's level 1. Would he be up against level 30s if we queue'd together?

Edit: Or would it do something like an average? Like, level 15s or something?

回答 (3)

2013-03-25 5:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you are level 30 and your friend is level 1. The balancing will have to even out. You will be going against a mix of level 30's and level 1's. When you have an uneven balance, the auto-match maker will stabilize.
2013-03-24 12:53 am
It's been explained to me as follows:

The Elo (or League as of recently) of the players you are pitted against is determined by the creator of the game. The lower the score of the creator, the lower the ones you will encounter are.

Level gets decided to be either the average of all players, in your case it would be between 10 and 20, or 1 on 1 meaning the other team will also have one low level (1-5) and one high level (25-30) player to compensate. This depends on the available players in queue. I've seen it happen both ways.

It also depends on who you're teamed up with or with how many you start a pre-made.

I generally find that for the most part you get rounded more against relatively higher players than lower players, mostly because there are more high level players available than low level ones.
Good luck!
2013-03-23 11:48 pm
When he creates the game and invites you, your team will be matched up to his difficulty but if you created the game and invited him where you are level 30, you will be matched up to higher level players.

Hope I helped :)
參考: Experience

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