
2013-03-22 11:18 pm
the difference between WAIT and AWAIT these two word?

回答 (4)

2013-03-23 7:27 pm
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I waited for my mother in the corridor.

He's anxiously awaiting his test results.

等候 - 古德明
問:以下句子wait字之後,為什麼沒有for?──He held her hand and waited the answer(他握着她的手,等待答覆)。

答:第四版《朗文當代英文詞典》wait字條下說:"Wait" is never followed directly by a noun. You must say"wait for"。換言之,wait是不及物動詞(intransitive verb),不可直接帶出受詞(object),受詞必須用for帶出。根據這說法,讀者示下那一句的waited the answer必須改為waited for the answer。

不過,wait其實也可作及物動詞(transitive verb),直接帶出受詞。第七版《牛津高階英漢雙解詞典》wait字條就有以下例句:I waited my chance and slipped out when no one was looking(我等候機會,沒有人注意的時候,就溜了出去)。由此可見,waited the answer和waited for the answer,都是正確說法。

當然,「wait+受詞」這句式,遠遠沒有「wait for+受詞」那麼常見。為免被不識者譏為「錯誤」,最好還是用wait for或await,例如:I waited for/ awaited my chance and slipped out。Wait for和await一般通用,但wait for語氣較為隨便,也較為常見。此外,「wait for+受詞」之後,可以用「to+動詞」;「await+受詞」之後,卻不可以,例如英文會說We are waiting for Leung to tell the truth(我們在等候梁某人講事實),但不會說We are awaiting Leung to tell the truth。

2013-03-23 3:49 am
Await----Awake and stop the word "await" till correction is made in "Opinion Column ironically!"
Wait:-verb:-Dealay/Not start something;to not to do something until something else happens,arrives,eg:-Hurry up! Everyone's waiting.eg:-Wait here until I come back.
Wait for something/somebody;eg:- We had to wait over half-an-hour for the bus.
Wait until eg:-They'll just have to wait until I'm ready
Wait for 2 hours/ 2 weeks etc. eg:-Where have you been? I've been waiting for a long time!
Wait to do something.eg:-Are you waiting to use the phone-booth?
Keep somebody waiting:-means make someone wait,esp. by arriving late; eg:-I'm sorry to have kept you waiting in TVB station.
Others eg:-He's still waiting for his exam. results.
eg:-Wait a minute.I'll get my money.
eg:-We're going to TinSuiWai on Sunday----I can't wait!
eg:-"What's so important?Can't it wait till tomorrow?" "No,it can't."
eg:-You'll have to wait and see.
eg:-Wait till you see your results!
eg:-The report was typed up and waiting when you failed.
eg:- Others wait your chance/opportunity(to enter U)which are waiting for you etc.

Await verb formal to wait for something;eg:-Several men are awaiting trial for the India Rape.
If a situation,event etc awaits you,it's going to happen in the future:-eg:-A terrible surprise awaited them at "The Horror House" in TVB.and learn usage yourself.
2013-03-23 3:04 am
The word ‘awake’ is used as a verb with the meaning ‘to keep attentive’ or ‘to keep active’ or ‘to be charged up’ as in the sentences:
1.Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is reached.
2.The speech has awakened him.

2013-03-22 19:04:15 補充:
On the other hand, the word ‘wake’ is used as a verb with the meaning ‘get out of sleep’ as in the sentences:
1.I usually wake up at 6 o’clock in the morning.
2.It is good to wake up early.
2013-03-23 12:16 am
WAIT = 等 - 意思一般是主動的等候 e.g. I wait for your reply.
AWAIT = 等待 - 意思是由於某原因或情況而要等候或期待 e.g. I await your reply.

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