2013-03-22 8:06 pm
點樣分別A product and B product?
What the different between A product and B product?

分幾多次收service fee?
How many times/installment have to receive service fee?

When the payment was settled?

回答 (10)

2013-03-29 9:11 pm
點樣分別A product and B product?
How to distinguish between product A and product B.

分幾多次收service fee?
How many times are the service fees charged?

When was the bill paid off?
2013-03-23 4:54 pm
What is the difference between product A and product B?

How many installments are there for the service charge?
(Installment is a countable noun. It shouls be in plural. form)

By what date should the bill/account be settled? (By = not later than)
On which date was the bill fully paid? (追究過去那日結算)
2013-03-23 5:08 am
Jenkin 是對的. ^^
2013-03-23 3:15 am
English Grammar, 20 marks:-
(1)How to distinguish the difference between 2 similar products, A and B ?
(2)How many regular installments be made for the service fees ?
(3)When will the pay by installments be settled ?
2013-03-22 11:59 pm
點樣分別A product and B product?
What the different between A product and B product?
應是 What the difference between A product and B product?

分幾多次收service fee?
How many times/installment have to receive service fee?
應是 How many times/installment will be charged service fee?

When the payment was settled?

2013-03-22 16:03:03 補充:
What are the difference between A product and B product?
When will the payment be settled?
參考: 我..希望幫到你=], 我..希望幫到你=]
2013-03-22 11:17 pm
樣分別A product and B product?
What IS the differenCE between A product and B product?

分幾多次收service fee?
How many installment WILL THERE BE FOR THE service fee?


How many installment will the service fee be split?

When WILL the payment BE COMPLETELY settled?
2013-03-22 10:28 pm
點樣分別A product and B product?
What is the difference between (product) A and (product) B?問句動詞組改正。DIFFERENCE應該是名詞。回答的文法是The difference between A and B is XXXXXX。假如A和B是物件的尊有名稱不需要(product),而英文寫A product的寫法是product A.

分幾多次收service fee?
How many times/installment have to make for the service fee?

When was the payment settled?你用了past tense意思是追究那些付款是(當時-已過去)那日期結算。
2013-03-22 9:38 pm
點樣分別A product and B product?
How to select the different between A product and B product?

分幾多次收service fee?
How many installments to receive service fee?

When the payment should be settled?
2013-03-22 8:39 pm
點樣分別A product and B product?
What is the different between A product and B product?

分幾多次收service fee?
第一個寫法: How many times distribute to receive service fee?
第二個寫法: How many installments to receive service fee?

When the payment will be settled?
2013-03-22 8:15 pm
教授英文 ( english listening ) ( 小一至中五 )

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