English question

2013-03-20 11:39 pm
I want the name of the different parts of the human body (interior and exterior parts) in English and Chinese please.

Thanks a lot for your help.

回答 (3)

2013-03-21 5:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
身體上部 (Exterior)
head 頭, brow 額頭, forehead 前額, neck 頸
hair 頭髮, beard (下巴上的)鬍鬚, moustache 髭; 八字鬚, sideburns (短)連鬢鬍子
cheek 頰, chin 頦, 下巴, jaw 頜; 顎
eye 眼睛, eyebrow 眼眉, eyelash 睫毛, eyelid 眼皮, pupil 瞳孔, iris 虹膜, cornea 角膜
ear 耳朵, earlobe 耳垂
mouth 嘴, lip 嘴唇, tongue 舌, tooth 牙齒, gum 齒齦
nose 鼻子, nostril 鼻孔
face 臉, temple 鬢角

身體中部 (Exterior)
chest 胸膛, breast 乳房, nipple 乳頭
arm 臂, armpit 腋下, elbow 肘, forearm 前臂, shoulder 肩膀
hand 手, fist 拳頭, palm 手掌, wrist 腕
finger 手指, knuckle 指(根)關節, nail 指甲
thumb 拇指, index finger 食指, middle finger 中指, ring finger 無名指, little finger 小指
stomach 腹部, back 背脊, waist 腰, hip 臀部, navel 肚臍, buttocks 屁股, groan 鼠蹊

身體下部 (Exterior)
leg 腳, calf 腓, thigh 大腿, shin 脛, ankle 腳脖子, knee 膝蓋
foot 腳, heel 腳後跟, toe 腳趾, toenail 腳趾甲, instep 腳背
anus 肛門, penis 陰莖, scrotum 陰囊, vagina 陰道

身體器官 (Interior)
brain 腦, spinal cord 脊椎神經
heart 心臟, artery 動脈, vein 靜脈
kidney 腎臟, liver 肝, bladder 膀胱
throat 喉嚨, larynx 喉頭, pharyx 咽頭
lung 肺, windpipe 氣管, bronchial tube 支氣管
stomach 胃, bile duct 膽管, spleen 脾臟, tonsil 扁桃腺
colon 結腸, appendix 盲腸, intestine 腸, rectum 直腸, duodenum 十二指腸
Ovary 卵巢, uterus 子宮, Testicle 睾丸, prostate 前列腺

Common Names for bones (Interior)
skull 頭蓋骨, spine 脊柱, rib 肋骨,vertebrae 脊椎骨, pelvis 骨盆, thighbone 大腿骨
breastbone 胸骨, cheekbone 頰骨, collarbone 鎖骨, hipbone 臀骨, jawbone 頜骨
kneecap 膝蓋骨, shoulder blade 肩胛骨, shinbone 脛骨, backbone 脊骨

Medical Names for Bones (Interior)
coccyx 尾骨, cranium 頭蓋骨, scapula 肩胛, sternum 胸骨 clavicle 鎖骨, femur 股骨
humerus 肱骨, radius 橈骨, ulna 尺骨, tibia 脛骨, patella 膝蓋骨, fibula 腓骨

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 裡面有圖表, 可參考
要很詳細, 參考 Gray’s Anatomy (textbook) – by Henry Gray
參考: Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary; Yahoo Dictionary
2013-03-21 2:03 am
乳房 Breast
乳頭 Nipple
乳腺 Mammary gland
腎部 Kidney
陰莖 Penis
陰囊 Scrotum
睾丸 Testicle
儲精囊 Seminal vesicle
前列腺 Prostate
附睾 Epididymis
包皮 Phimosis
子宮 Uterus
子宮頸 Cervix
陰蒂 Clitoris
陰道 Vagina
陰唇 Vulva
卵巢 Ovary
前庭大腺 Bartholin's gland
輸卵管 Fallopian tube
斯基恩氏腺 Skene's gland
肛門 Anus
臀部 Buttocks
參考: wikipedia
2013-03-21 1:36 am
头髪 hair眼睛eyes嘴mouth臂an arm牙齒a tooth背脊back肩膀 a shoulder胃stomach膝蓋a knee喉嚨throat腳a leg手 a hand鼻子 a nose眼睛 an eye耳朵an ear腳a foot頭 head臉 a face微笑的臉a smiley face頸neck胡子a beard腳脖子an ankle頰a cheek額头a forehead下巴 a chin腋下 an armpit肚臍 a navel乳頭a nipple手指a finger肘an elbow胸a breast臀部 a hip血blood反射 a reflex眉a brow唇 a lip指甲 a nail拳头 a fist鬍子 a moustache皮膚skin


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