Is Hawaiian Market in Las Vegas worth going to?

2013-03-19 9:12 pm
Some reviews have said its a great place for souvenirs, eating, and watching free shows but others describe it as pretty seedy. If you have been there lately can you tell me what its like?

回答 (3)

2013-03-19 9:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The Hawaiian Market has lots of street vendors, cheap food to tide you over until dinner, and high energy music. It's a good place in passing to go to kill some time, but I wouldn't make an effort to just go there. To me it was the typical tourist trap type stuff, but I live here. If you are looking for cheap souveniors then Fremont Street is the best place to go.
參考: Live in Las Vegas
2013-03-20 11:28 am
If you are passing by then it's worth stopping and wandering through it. But I wouldn't carve time out of your day just for that.
2013-03-21 1:35 am
Middle of Strip nice but for souvenirs I would suggest World's Largest Souvenir Store by Sahara hotel

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