中文譯英文, 麻煩大家了!

2013-03-19 8:00 pm
你好, 經我們仔細的尋找, 終於找到了目錄, 真不好意思. 另外, 我想知有關INV.XXX是否可如期地出貨? 謝謝.

回答 (5)

2013-03-19 8:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hello,according to our searching definitely, we find out the table of contents.
l am so sorry to tell you that.Besides, l would like to ask about the INV.XXX.Could you tell me if you can transfer the product on time.Thank you.
2013-03-23 1:14 am
你好, 經我們仔細的尋找, 終於找到了目錄, 真不好意思. 另外, 我想知有關INV.XXX是否可如期地出貨? 謝謝.
Hello, We are carefully looking, finally found the catalog, I am sorry, I want to know about INV.XXX is scheduled to ship? Thank you.
2013-03-19 10:51 pm
Hello there, after our detail search. We have already found the catalogue. Sorry for any inconvenient caused. Beside, may I know the shipment date of INV. xxxx can be on time? Thanks.
2013-03-19 10:38 pm
Hello, just to let you know we’ve found the catalog upon thorough search, sorry for the inconvenience caused.Further, I want to know whether the shipment of INV.XXX is on time as scheduled? Thank you.就如你的原文並不是很公式的句子。
2013-03-19 8:56 pm
Hello,we carefully searching,finally found the catalog , I am sorry , I want to
knowabout INV.XXXscheduled shipping,thank you .

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