physics---wave and light4

2013-03-19 8:43 am

回答 (1)

2013-03-19 4:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(a) Apply the lens formula to lens 1
1/10 + 1/v = 1/4.5
v = 8.182 cm

Hence, object distance from lens 2 = (8.182 - 4) cm = 4.182 cm
Apply the lens formula to lens 2
1/(-4.182) + 1/v = 1/3.5
v = 1.905 cm

The final image is 1.91 cm behind lens 2

(b) Magnification of lens 1 = 8.182/10
Magnification of lens 2 = 1.905/4.182
Hence, overall magnification = (8.182/10) x (1.905/4.182) = 0.373

(c) It is real
The final image is behind lens 2

(d) It is inverted.
The first image formed by lens 1 is inverted (v is +ve), the image formed by lens 2 is uninverted (u and v are of opposite signs). Hence, the final image is inverted.

(e) The final object is behind lens 2, i.e. on opposite side of lens 2.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:22:14
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