扣稅前 的英文

2013-03-19 10:14 am

1. 扣稅前


2. 含稅



回答 (3)

2013-03-19 10:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 扣稅前 before tax
扣稅前的價錢 price before tax

2. 含稅 tax included; sales tax included
標價含稅 tax included in price

2013-03-21 00:10:14 補充:
用在句子要看狀況,沒有一成不變的 含稅。

The price includes tax. 這個標價有含稅。

Q: How about tax? (這商品的稅呢?)
A: Tax included (in price). 標價已經含稅。

實際使用,好像沒有 including tax 的狀況。我只想到類似,Well, the price here covers everything, including tax. 這個價錢涵蓋所有,包括稅。 ==> 但這只是文法通順;實際對話不這麼說。 是老外發明的英文,勉強可懂。
2013-03-19 7:42 pm
1. before the tax deduction
2. tax
2013-03-19 6:06 pm
1. 扣稅前
before tax

2. 含稅
including tax
參考: me & myself

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 20:10:02
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