Bleeding after plan b next choice still pregnant ?

2013-03-18 11:08 pm
Has this ever happened ?! Please help

回答 (5)

2016-10-08 5:00 pm
regardless of the actuality that i'm not an expert on the "morning after" pill, i be conscious of that hormones could reason variations on your cycle.. and subject can upload to that. rigidity could reason all way of actual issues.. alongside with bleeding early etc..
2016-10-08 9:58 am
regardless of the actuality that i'm not an expert on the "morning after" pill, i be conscious of that hormones could reason variations on your cycle.. and subject can upload to that. rigidity could reason all way of actual issues.. alongside with bleeding early etc..
2013-03-18 11:16 pm
When I took it, my period started the week after, which was 2 weeks early for me. And then my next period came 2 weeks late. So, the pill works but it does mess up your period, so don't freak out too much.
2013-03-18 11:12 pm
Plan B can make you start your period early. THe effectiveness of the pill decreases the longer you wait to take it. You have a 72 hour window period after intercourse to take it. The sooner you take it the better though. I wouldn't think you are pregnant.
2013-03-18 11:11 pm
It can happen.

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