Is Liberace museum still open?

2013-03-18 10:25 pm
My family is going to Vegas in May. My mom really wanted to go to the museum, however the website seems to be inactive.

回答 (3)

2013-03-19 2:00 am
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No, its closed. the last I heard they were taking it on tour. They are planning on reopening it at the Neonopolis on Fremont Street, but that won't be until 2014. You can still bring your mom to the plaza, though. The restaurant which was opened by Liberace is still there and is said to be haunted by him.
參考: Live in Las Vegas
2013-03-19 5:48 am
No it is closed and has been since about Oct 2010 (according to Wikipedia)

I do drive by it often and it is closed.
2013-03-19 12:27 pm
Sorry NO it closed due to lack of visitors about two years ago

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