Pregnancy next choice plan b ?

2013-03-18 9:09 pm
Please read my last question for details bu5 I took the pill 2 days after sex 8-9 days later it made me bleed for 3, wouldnt that mean I CANT be pregant ? Ive taken tests and theyve said negitive I'm so confused ive missed my period for 2 months which ik the pill cn dely but could it also be making the tests neg ? Help

回答 (1)

2013-03-18 9:12 pm
Don't sweat it. It's probably just the pill because of its side effects. It releases hormones in which could delay your period for quite some time. If I were you, go to the doctor. Its the best way to find out whether or not you are!

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 19:39:01
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