Could I be pregnant ? next choice ? plan b ?

2013-03-18 8:55 pm
On feb 11th me and my partner had sex and the condom 3nded up inside of me. We went to get plan b but the lady asked if we wanted next choice cause it was the same thing but a little cheaper I guess idk we got that and 2days later I took it because I never wanted to in the first place approx 8-9 days after I took the pill I bled for about 3 I figured this was the pill cleaning out the egg but I missed my period for feb unless that was it and I habent gotten on2 again this month. I heard the pill can cause u not to get it up to 6 months but today I woke up feeling nauses and w a headache I ended up puking, we took tests about 4 weeks ago and about 2 weeks ago to make sure, both negitive, I dont believe that I'm pregnant but is there anyway I could be and the tests were wrong ? Possibly because of the pill? Thanks !

回答 (3)

2016-10-03 5:50 pm
there's a catalogue for many difficulty-unfastened symptoms: a million. neglected era 2. basically feeling pregnant 3. Breast Tenderness 4. Fatigue 5. everyday Urination 6. Nausea 7. Dizziness and/or Fainting 8. foodstuff Cravings, or Aversions to meals 9. Sensitivity to Aromas 10. Morning disease 11. Heartburn and/or Constipation
2013-03-18 9:02 pm
Plan B or Next Choice both can screw up your cycle. I would say any of these issues could be caused by taking the pill.

However, Plan B or Next Choice only work in the first 72 hours (or 3 day) after unprotected sex, I'm not sure why you decided to wait so long. I'd go to your doctor to make sure you are not pregnant. Of course, you could be pregnant.

If your pregnant, do what you'd like it's your body and choice - abortion, adoption, or parenting it's all your choice and you should also consider your boyfriends choice.
2013-03-18 8:59 pm
Anything is possible, I would got get an ultrasound for safe measure. If you are pregnant congrats and please don't abort, at least try to give the kid a chance. Abortion is just taking away the life of someone who hasn't even had the chance to prove their worthy of life. So yeah.

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