If i join the playstation plus, will I be able to download the free games ?

2013-03-18 3:30 pm
Hello, I just noticed some awesome games free for the playstation plus so I plan to join it ( the 90 month one ) and I want to know if I can download those games that were added about a year ago and so ? ( I know it is a silly question )

No, the free games :D

回答 (5)

2013-03-18 3:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A lot of the Playstation Plus sales are temporary. But as long as they're still available and the Playstation Plus sale/price still applies to them, yes.
2013-03-18 7:18 pm
Nope only what the store offers at the moment I'm afraid.
2013-03-18 4:50 pm
no, u can only download whats currently free while ur Plus is active, and u can only play them whele ur Plus is active when it runs out u cant play them again until u renew ur Plus, games u pay for thats on discount u can still play even when ur Plus runs out.
2013-03-18 4:53 pm
There are many big and small ps3 games that are free for ps plus users like infamous 2 and mass effect 3 and you get many other things like themes for free too and many things are discounted for ps plus users but there is a thing you can keep the free games but you'll only be able to play it till you are a ps plus user this dosen't effect other things
2013-03-18 3:44 pm
Probably so but most of the games are free for ps plus users and some are half price.

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