google translate

2013-03-18 8:11 am
我想問下點解我用google translate查字發唔到音
但我睇其實video youtube 聽歌又無事wo

個google translate之前係發到音的



回答 (9)

2013-03-18 5:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
試下換瀏覽器,例如你本身用IE,而家可以轉去用GOOGLE CHROME
唔識點下載GOOGLE CHROME既話,可以去泰為恩電腦資訊Blog到問,個BLOG主好好人架,按留言果邊掛
2016-12-06 5:02 pm
The following information is required to be completed
Please Select Employment History 2 From Date Less than the Previous Employment From Date
Please provide all employment history in the past 5 years in descending order excluding employment during any full-time study, not all employments including internship

Please provide the full name/address of the company.

Please provide details of HR contact (if available) instead of Immediate Manager.

Date of employment should be same as reference letter (if any).

For current employment, please provide the employment end date if possible.

Please provide last position/designation as exactly stated in the reference letter/testimonial.

Reason for leaving is mandatory including current employment and please provide the reason as exactly stated in the testimonial or as per your previous employer’s record.

If your previous employment was employed under an agency on secondment to client company (i.e. agency contractor), please provide details of the employing agency but not the client company.

All employment checks will be kicked start immediately except current employment which will be conducted upon joining Hang Seng Bank Limited.
2016-04-26 2:48 am
2016-02-10 2:02 pm
2015-12-17 3:45 am
2015-10-27 3:19 am
pallet trucks specificationss
2015-09-16 12:14 pm
critical need
2015-08-28 7:17 am
Would like to recommend Ms. Chan Ka Wing to addend this training to accumulate more experience for enhancement , then we will consider to assign her for another suitable position in our team
2015-12-11 10:51 pm

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 18:34:22
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