About RFID reader transmitting signals through ethernet?

2013-03-18 6:13 am
Will different types/brands/models of RFID readers produce different formats of the signals?
If yes, if I transmit those signals from those RFID readers by using ethernet, can I get the same signals of them?
(Assume the readers read the same tag)

回答 (2)

2013-03-18 5:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Your question doesn't make much sense. Ethernet is just the physical standard for transmitting a signal, or "packet". What's IN the packet depends on the reader, and what protocols or standard the reader accepts.

If you have several (different) readers, they're all Ethernet capable, and they're set to the same standard, they should all read an RFID tag and return the same result.
2016-12-14 7:24 pm
instant routers could have 3 to 4 ethernet ports in the back of it. The router will take ethernet connections. 3 of the 5 computers in my domicile use instant. the different 2 are linked via ethernet cable, all to the comparable instant router.

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