How do I break the ice with a girl?

2013-03-18 2:33 am
I need a good excuse to start a conversation with a girl, details about our relationship are in my first question, check it out and answer if you can.

回答 (4)

2013-03-18 2:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you are bad at talking to girls, try to be funny. Make her laugh. Make her want to enjoy being around you. Dont be rude and weird. Be nice and funny and as sweet as you can.
2013-03-18 9:36 am
Well, well, uh-huh, yeah, I see you! I see choo! Go "break" dat ice, boii, break it goooood!
參考: Leave room for Jesus, tho!!
2013-03-18 9:38 am
How much does a polar bear weigh?

Enough to break the ice!

Seriously though, just ask about her day/week/weekend/class or make a joke and then get to talking about common interests from there. Any excuse to start a conversation should work if she is at all interested. :)
2013-03-18 9:36 am
I think girls like guys who could talk, just like what the other question says, be nice and funny.
Then you should be good to go
參考: good luck

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