Who's your favorite singer or musician?

2013-03-18 2:05 am

回答 (8)

2013-03-18 2:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
a couple of them are pretty impressive to me...
Michael Jackson, Akon, Eminem, and Leona Lewis...
2013-03-18 11:16 am
Beth Hart
2013-03-18 10:12 am
Mariah Carey
2013-03-18 9:07 am
Dpryde, Lil Wayne , Wiz Khalifa , Drake , tyga ,
2013-03-18 9:07 am
John Wlilliams
2013-03-18 9:07 am
Edvard Grieg
參考: Music
2013-03-18 9:06 am
shreya goshal is the best in bollywood
2013-03-18 9:06 am
I'm quite found of bond jovi and Britney spears I also like Luke bryan

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