What should I do with my life?
All I do is work & only have a couple of friends who I hardly ever see these days. I've been single for about 6 months with no prospects in sight. I've been feeling like I need a change, something to give my life more purpose. I've thought of going back to school to occupy my time but really don't want to take out any more student loans. I enjoy reading and hobbies, but are all things that I do alone & seem to have been becoming less interested in these hobbies so I end up on the Internet or watching tv basically not doing anything... Any suggestions on how to get back to being happy and fulfilled and feeling as though I have some purpose?
回答 (3)
I felt the same way, my friend.
I am 19 years old now, I took Community Health as my college major now but I don't even know what I can do with that major in the future...
I also love to play soccer, but I ain't a good one...so I got so discouraged just every time people were playing better than me.
Life can be so depressing if you cannot find what you truly love to do. Right now, something really sparked my brain, I decided to become a cop for life, I wanna have my life plan out, and all I need to do is to do well in college now. Just reach within yourself to see what you truly love to do in life, and go for it. No matter what it is, as long as it makes you feel good about yourself.
參考: that is my only shot in life I feel like...I gotta take it
You need to find a new hobby one that will include people. Why not take up some class or summut I dunno, like art classes or learn a language, learn a new sport
lol i feel the same way.
ive been wanting to go back to school to fufill my dreams but then i remember..with what money and i get stresses.
i think u should just wake up one morning go out for a walk and plan out/think what u really want in life,decide whats important and whats not and just set ur mind to it and DO IT MAN!:]
收錄日期: 2021-04-30 23:43:33
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