How can I open disk drive from?

2013-03-17 7:45 pm
inside? The door is screwed up so where in the control panel could it open up? I forgot to leave a cd inside so what can I do.

回答 (2)

2013-03-17 8:01 pm
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(Only Windows i think) But go to you little start button, Should be on your bottom left. and click it, Than you should see something that says "computer" Just under your profile picture, Than you should see DVD RW drive (D;) (if it doesent say that than its under "Devices with Removable Storage (1)") Just click it twice and you are good to go!
2013-03-18 9:09 am
what do you mean 'screwed up' and why would you want to leave a cd inside (RE i forgot to leave a cd inside) anyway there are two other ways to open the tray apart from pressing the button on the disk drive 1. go to (my) computer right click on the icon for you're drive and choose 'eject' but if its a physical problem this might not work 2. if it is a laptop look closely at the front of the disk drive tray there is usually a small hole,insert a unbent paper clip or a small precision screwdriver and push gently on a pc the hole should be somewhere around the bottom of the tray at the front

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