Why is my Scorpio friend suddenly interrogating me?

2013-03-17 6:47 pm
I have a male Scorpio friend who I've known for about 3 years. In the last year we have got a lot closer and started confiding in each other. It has taken a long while for him to start trusting me, which I understand is normal for a Scorp.
He teases me a lot of the time but he jumps right in if I need help and he always notices if I'm not ok. He does things like ask me to text when I'm driving home at night and if I don't text when he thinks I should be home, he starts texting me to ask where I am. He is a good friend and I care about him a lot.
Recently he's been a bit 'off' around me - quiet, not teasing, biting his fingernails and not looking at me. Then the other day, when we were out in a group, he started interrogating me about personal stuff. He wanted (demanded) to know about my past sexual history and whether I am faithful. He stared straight into my eyes like a laser beam (sitting very close to me) and his eyes weren't twinkling or teasing this time. It was a bit of a shock - I felt like a rabbit in the headlights.

Is this usual behaviour for a Scorpio? Have other people experienced this? Do I challenge him about it when I next see him, or let it go? It's very confusing.

I'm Aries and not scared of direct questions so I tried to answer honestly, but questions were fired at me really fast like he was trying to catch me out, which is a bit upsetting. Any of you Scorpios know what's going on?


回答 (5)

2013-03-17 7:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My mother gave me some good advice when I was young about men that insist that they know everything about you. You don't have to answer his questions and he has no right to insist that you do.

It sounds like he is unhappy about something and this is why you are now being interrogated. Here are a few possibilities.

He is now regretting all of the personal information that he has given to you and so he now wants MORE information about your personal life. Scorpios take a long time to trust someone and I feel he is now feeling that he gave you too much information about himself. Thus, he now wants MORE information from you. Personal information that can make one uncomfortable. And to ask these questions in a group is very inappropriate. So he does have an agenda...we just need to figure out what that agenda is.

He might have heard from someone something about your personal history, especially regarding your personal sexual history and so he is trying to intimidate you to find out if you 'left something out' of your conversations with him. That is nothing more than Scorpio's need to be in control. He wants to feel that you have told him everything about yourself and it sounds like he talked to someone that knew something about you that HE didn't know. That need for power and control runs strong in Scorpio. However there is always the possibility that what he was told isn't true and this would anger Scorpio to think that you would share something with another person and 'leave him out.'

When you are on the receiving end of Scorpio's Famous Evil Eye it isn't pretty. This guy is really upset with you about something but it is like pulling teeth to get him to actually TELL you what the problem is. So instead he pouts around you and when you are in a group he acts horribly. Something is bothering him that's for sure. But by opening up to you about what is bothering him he 'loses' the need for secrecy that the Scorpio Nature requires.

So I do feel that you should ask him what is going on with him at this time? Did you do something to upset him? As an Aries this would be easy for you to do. As a Scorpio, it wouldn't be so easy to open up.

I imagine this is what will eventually happen. Scorpio tends to shove their feelings down until ultimately they blow up unfortunately at the wrong time and usually directed at the wrong person. So if you don't feel like asking him what is wrong you just need to be patient. He is shoving down his emotions at this time but they will erupt and then you will definitely find out what is wrong with him at this time. Scorpios always eventually 'blow up.' It isn't pretty but you do find out what is bothering Scorpio.

Use your intuition to decide whether it is best to ask him what is wrong or wait until he erupts in anger. I doubt he will tell you willingly or he would have already done so. You might distance yourself from him for a while too. Scorpios can be vengeful so watch your back. Since you are Aries you are a warrior and have no fear of Scorpio and this might bother him too!

By distancing yourself from him this will probably make him even more angry which increases the odds that he will 'open up' about what is wrong. I feel that he heard something about your love life that you hadn't 'shared' with him and the possibility of what he heard probably isn't even true. But he did hear something or you wouldn't be getting the Evil Eye of Scorpio.

I have been on the receiving end of an angry Scorpio and it isn't pretty but I did find out what was upsetting that Scorpio. I feel this is what will happen with you and this guy. Remember you can always have 'secrets in your heart' as we women often have love affairs that we hold in our heart. These loves are often personal so don't reveal anything you are uncomfortable with. Sounds like he is being a big baby because you didn't tell him something or you 'left something out.' Scorpio must be all powerful and all knowing as they are highly observant. He feels you are hiding something. That is HIS problem, not yours.

Best of luck to you and hope this ends well but don't be too disappointed if it doesn't. Good luck and bless you and I wish you well.

參考: Amethyst33
2013-03-17 7:52 pm
I've seen Scorpios and Virgos do this interrogation crap. They call it COMMUNICATION to interrogate you, but IF you turn the tables on them, they act wounded and outraged. Like, how dare you argue. They were having a USEFUL CONVERSATION.
2013-03-17 8:52 pm
I recognize this behavior very well.

Each sign has a gift or an ability. Just like how you see each sign has a different set of personalities and behaviors.

When he was asking you all those question he was trying to form an opinion in his head of what you are up to. Figure you out. The questions were to get information to infer or guess to know whatever he wants to know, that you are not telling him. So basically, he already knows you are withholding information and he wants more from you to see where your at headwise. Each answer he gets gives a bounty of information.

The looking into your eyes part was just him trying to see if you are lying. Scorpio has that gift. You got the Scorpio stare!

I read on a site that in a former life Scorpio's were interrogated and in this life they manifested as a Scorpio and thus they have the gift of interrogation or knowing when others are telling the truth.

In my experience, my intuition is about 90% accurate, overall. I'm not bragging. From situation to situation it can vary from lows or to highs percents depending on how much I know about any situation, aka my backlog of observations.

So yea, that Scorpio crush of yours is scoping you out. And from the sounds of it, he didnt like what he got. You were probably a typical Aries female and gave inconsistent answers. So he put you under the Scorpio stare to flush out your motives. He got distant because he thinks you are being dishonest and he became withdrawn, a sign of a Scorpio being upset.
參考: Scorpio
2013-03-17 9:04 pm
Because he is an asshole. Simple as that.

He is judgemental and he thinks he is something better than you. The truth is he needs to wake the f up and have a look at himself in the mirror, because he is not that better, he needs to grow up and learn that we are all equal humans.

Also I agree with Aquarius legend user some people do this to you, but when you do it back at them they use it against you. How hypocrytical!
2016-03-12 10:53 am
Well, if you say "Nevermind" after starting a sentence, I think anyone with a pulse would want you to finish it. I'm a pisces too, married to a scorpio man. And yes, he does want to know... and he'll get pissed if you don't tell him. They get worried that it's something bad, so they must know. (If they really cared) Pisces and Scorpio's get eachother. But you must beware of that Scorpio temper. Try to avoid it the best you can. Tips: don't ever make him jealous, don't accuse him of something, until the actual evidence is in your hands... and ALWAYS compliment him. Good luck with him though... if he's anything like my man... you're in for a bumpy ride. (I mean that in a good and bad way..) =)

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