Someone post my name, local and number on a porn site!?

2013-03-17 2:52 pm
Recently I started get some blocked calls and some weird texts.... all of them said that they got my name from a porn site.... apparently someone used my name and leave a comment with my phone number and my local there.... I'm just a teen , I don't know what to do about it. my mate sent them an email ask if they could remove that comment . but we haven't got any feedback yet.... should I report to the police about it ? I'm so scared :( I have no idea what to do !

回答 (2)

2013-03-17 3:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Please take time to read this - it was used to help one of my friends...

It's ok, one of my friend has been in a similar situation. You should call the police about this, if not it could get a lot worse - the person doing this could get more information about you and you could be found. First, tell your parents so that it's not a big surprise to them if the police come to your house for questions. Secondly, call the police so that they can arrest this person to stop the problem. Lastly, if you have personal information on your Facebook account or which ever account you use, go to private settings and make sure only your friends can see it. If the problem arises, make it so no - one can see your personal details.

I hope this has helped, good luck! :)
2016-06-25 5:36 am
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