phrasal verb...,明天考試,超趕!

2013-03-18 1:30 am
點解有時一些phrasal verb(片語動詞)要加"s" ;有時唔洗加"s"?
eg:She ofter reads books to find out more adout magic.
eg:she never gives up.

回答 (4)

2013-03-18 5:10 pm
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phrasal verb(grammar) whether main verb or not ,combined with an adverb or a preposition, or sometimes both, to give a new meaning, eg:-go in for,
gives up,
often reads,
win over,
see to,etc.
You agree with what you write, but you should have kept "s" for third person singular in the present tense sentence.
Hence, :-Her reading is phrased as "she reads".and "She never gives up".
2013-03-18 11:35 pm
phrasal verb中的verb詞仍跟隨主詞或句子所配的動詞格式寫的

give up是原形

he/she present tense句子便是gives up
you/they present tense句子便是give up
he/she/you/they past tense句子便是gave up
future tense句子便是will give up
he/she present perfect tense句子便是has given up
you/they present perfect tense句子便是have given up....
2013-03-18 10:26 am
如果是 present simple tense. subject (主語) 是第三者單數, main verb 是要加 s,

When the sun sets, it goes below the horizon at the end of the day.

He, She, It, Mr. Rachmaninoff, a student, a table…etc ~ 第三者單數

often, always, rarely, never, sometimes … 這些 adverb 不影響 + s

2013-03-18 02:30:43 補充:
小心 auxiliary verb (can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must) 後面的 verb不用加 s
She may go.

To 後面的 verb 不用加 s
She wants to leave. (leave 不用加 s)

She does smoke.
She does not smoke.
Does she smoke?
2013-03-18 5:48 am

eg:She ofter reads books to find out more adout magic.
She never gives up.
She 是主位的句子動詞要加s。

2013-03-18 13:40:25 補充:

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