Do you think that public places in hong kong provide enough space for people?

2013-03-17 4:58 am
do you think that public places in hong kong provide enough space for people?

回答 (2)

2013-03-17 8:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
HK is increasingly fed up with the influx of Mainlanders, many are rude, ruthless, greedy, poor, around 100,000 daily. Over 35 million Mainlanders visited in 2012 plus the 150+ poor, unskilled Mainland immigrants daily deliberately sent over by CCP to dilute the culture and people in HK. HK is a small city of 7 mil people, 1100 sq km in size, over 80% of the area are hills, mountain trails, wetlands & natural parks, only 15% is urban. CCP reiterated that they would not cut back the number of the masses Mainlanders flooding to HK because CCP wants them to learn the proper behaviors, manners and doing things in a Free World. Mainland tourists are creating lots of tensions & headaches in the once peaceful Brit city, notably, Spitting, urinating, eating smelly food in public places, subway & buses. Don't obey public rules & orders, behave very selfishly & inconsiderately, jumping queue, yelling, elbowing, pushing large suitcases on narrow walkways. Large % of them are illegals, smugglers/scammers/pickpockets/prostitutes, fake beggars/monks who go to HK to beg, scam & steal everything. Mainland smugglers recently caught by HK police confessed that they're only making 1000 Yuan in Shenzhen & have to rely on smuggling goods from HK to survive. Mainland visitors are dirt cheap & silly who are often scammed by Mainland travel agents for a 4-day packaged tour to HK for only 1500 Yuan by sleeping inside tour buses, then turn around to bad-mouth HK. Many Mainlanders traveling on own to HK do not have $ to stay in hostels & are sleeping in parks, beaches & McDonald's. When interviewed by journalists there, these Mainland campers admitted they've only got 500-600 Yuan and couldn't afford to stay in hostels. Before '97, it's the rich tourists from Japan/US/Europe who flocked to HK. Now it's the poor, greedy, ill-behaved crooks from China. Due to serious corruptions all over China resulted in manufacturers putting all sorts of cheap poisons in food & drink which drive Mainlanders sneak all over the world to stock up reliable food & drink. HK being the closest neighboring city is most hard hit, if only 0.001% Mainlanders go to buy food stuffs can easily empty everything in HK's supermarkets. Many Mainlanders are now buying properties, give birth to babies, seek medicare in HK jetting up rent & sending inflation skyrocketed.

HK was 1st to come out of poverty after WWII & rose to prosperity in the 60s, long before China came into the picture. Without China, HK could be much better, similar to Singapore. Mainlanders at the beginning buying Rolex, LV in HK, driven shop rentals crazy & wiping out all unique small retailers which HK people & rich Japanese & Western tourists miss. Lately as China's economy going downhill the corrupted rich Mainlanders are getting cheap.

Historically HK's problems/troubles are being brought about by the irresponsible & inconsiderate CCP/Mainlanders. The '67 riot caused by Mao/Red Guards & '89 Tiananmen Massacre are the 2 major crises which drew tons of HK's wealthy & brain drain to abroad. Lately the ruthless influx turning everything upside down starts another wave of brain drain. SARS epidermic which started in China in 2002 but the irresponsible & incompetent CCP/Mainlanders ignored the deadly disease by keeping it secret. A Guangzhou patient carrying the disease to HK, stayed in a hotel, spread the disease to kill 300 HK people, another 400 from all over the world. Some Hongkongers miss the Union Jack 'cos the Brit gov dared say NO to CCP, block off Mainlanders who abuse, steal & take advantage of everything in HK.

HK has gone through many economic crises, '70s oil crises, '89 Beijing Massacre that drove confidence level to zero, each time HK ables to come out of recession all by herself, each time stronger & richer than before. China still a dirt poverty 3rd world country back then.

Following is an article HK people categorized Mainland immigrants/refugees through the various stages they flee to HK. Before the 90s Mainland immigrants/refugees are hardworking & easily melt into HK's culture. Those that come after 90s are lazy, greedy & only look for FREE benefits there, & do not respect HK's cultures and traditions. 香港的人口雖然大部份都是來自大陸,但他們是有分階段性的,最主要是由日本侵華起,
第二批就是雖要一個只要付出努力 就可以得到溫飽的地方,
他們找到了- 香港. 他們一直努力工作,一直默默耕耘,一直為自…
第三批移民【78後】他們,一不是逃避共產黨,二不是要找工作, 【按當時正是鄧小平改革開放年代】國內大把機遇,
本港商家個個都爭著上去投資 為何他們反而要來香港呢?
做又三十六,唔做又三十六, 但到了鄧爺爺 實行耕者有其田,多勞多得,
這一代懶人怕苦,又無學識, 註:49年打後基本上個個掛著鬥爭,到了66年文革十年,跟本就無人讀書,製做大…
俗語有云, 入屋叫人、入廟拜神,入國問禁、入鄉隨俗。
2013-03-17 12:07 pm
Good question!

I suppose there are still many places where one can go sit in the shade, listen to some MP3s on headphones, and read a book... if the Mainlanders haven't flooded them all with "tourists".

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