Why was there so much bright red blood after I poop?

2013-03-17 4:57 am
I'm 16 years old.
And something really scary happened after I pooped.
There was a lot of bright red blood in the toilet bowl.
I didnt strain and it didnt really hurt when I was pooping.

Before, I've experienced slight bleeding after I pooped but I believed i was constipated so I ate more fiber and drank more water.
So I wasnt very surprised when I saw blood.

But this time is different!!! It didnt really hurt and it was quick. But there was a lot of blood. I almost thought my period came!!!

Is this something that should concern me?
I'm so worried, so PLEASE help!!!
I appreciate your help.

回答 (2)

2013-03-17 5:29 am
Honey, there should not be blood in your stool. Tell mom and dad!
2013-03-17 5:02 am
if its your period i wouldnt be worried but im pretty sure this doesnt really sound normal at all

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:21:53
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