candy crush unlock level

2013-03-16 5:15 pm
how to ask friend to help me to unlock the level of candy crush????

回答 (2)

2013-03-26 3:38 am
✔ 最佳答案 candy crush unlock the level
3.choose your friends ok
5.wait your friends to help you

2013-03-25 19:39:42 補充:
6.If have friends help you,press ok
7. 3 friends help you.............unlock!

2013-03-25 19:41:18 補充:
it may can help you can pay 3 fb credits (use computer) or h.k.8.00(phone) to unlock
2013-03-17 7:24 am
You can use Facebook to ask friends to help

2013-03-21 22:36:05 補充:
Tap it if you want :-)
參考: candy crush Facebook life epo unlock level

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