
2013-03-15 5:15 pm
Not Your Mothers Rules Girl Tip-The Dating Angel's, Rules Australian Dating Coach, thanks Lyn! -E

"How do you feel feel when you are out and you see a cute guy. Do you stand next to him? Do you ask him for the time? Do you ask for directions? All of this in the hope that he will notice you. Don't waste your time, if a guy likes you he notices you, you don't have to do a thing. So how about you pretend all guys are invisible until they ask you out, and then you can decide if you like them!!! What are your thoughts. x"


回答 (1)

2013-03-16 10:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
非老媽規則之女孩小妙招---約會天使的, 澳洲約會教練的規則, 謝謝Lyn.---E

" 如果妳在外面遇見一位帥哥 你會感覺如何, 妳會站在他身邊? 妳會問他現在是幾點了? 還是妳會假裝問路? 所有這些都因妳希望他可以注意到妳。勸妳別浪費時間了, 如果他喜歡妳 就算妳什麼都沒做, 他也會注意到妳的。所以 如果把他們都當成隱形人直到他們開始約妳 如此一來 妳就可以決定是否喜歡他,這樣妳覺得如何呢? kiss "

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