孤單也好 寂寞也好 只要快樂就好 能幫我翻譯這一句嗎?

2013-03-15 5:05 am
( 孤單也好 寂寞也好 只要快樂就好 )

請專家翻譯 不要google 那不正確

回答 (6)

2013-03-15 6:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
孤單也好 寂寞也好 只要快樂就好

Either staying alone or feeling lonely fits you just well, so long as you
are happy with it.

參考: 羅莉 - 翻譯經驗
2013-03-19 5:32 am
孤單也好 寂寞也好 只要快樂就好
Although I am alone, or I feel lonely, as lone as I am happy.
參考: 文法不一定完全沒錯~但是這樣說會比較優美喔
2013-03-15 11:08 pm
Happy alone or lonely or just good
2013-03-15 8:43 am
Maybe there will be no one staying with me.
Maybe I will feel very lonely.
But I will still take it if that is the price I need to pay for being happy.
2013-03-15 5:31 am
In spite of loneliness,

In spite of desolation,

Just want happiness.
2013-03-15 5:30 am
It's fine to be alone or loney, as long as you are happy.

It's fine to be alone or loney, as long as you get the happiness.

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